R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- addPkg()
- archive_retries()
- archive_timing()
- BiocDevel()
- BiocRelease()
- biocReposForVers()
- BiocSVNManifest()
- BiocVers()
- branch()
- checkIsPkgDir()
- cmethods()
- cranPkgVersManifest()
- currentCompEnv()
- defaultRepos()
- dep_repos()
- dl_method()
- errorOrNonZero()
- fileFromFileURL()
- findnewestpkg()
- findPkgDir()
- findPkgVersionInRepo()
- flushSession()
- full_libpaths()
- getPkgDir()
- GithubManifest()
- gotoVersCommit()
- headtail()
- install()
- internal()
- lazyRepo()
- libManifest()
- librarypath()
- library_paths()
- loadGRAN()
- loadManifest()
- locatePkgVersion()
- location-methods()
- logfun()
- makeBiocSVNURL()
- makeFileURL()
- makeLibraryCtx()
- makeManifest()
- makePkgCheckout()
- makePkgDir()
- makeSeedMan()
- makeSource()
- manifestFromCheckoutDir()
- ManifestRow()
- manifest_df()
- manifest_methods()
- normalizePath2()
- notrack()
- nrow()
- packages()
- parsedSessionInfo-class()
- parseSessionInfoString()
- PkgManifest()
- pkgname()
- PkgSource-class()
- publishManifest()
- removeLib()
- RepoSubset()
- rVersionManifest()
- SessionManifest()
- shell_timing()
- sh_init()
- subdir()
- switchBack()
- switchDeps()
- switchrBaseDir()
- SwitchrCtx()
- switchrDontUnload()
- switchrManifest()
- switchrNoUnload()
- SwitchrParam()
- switchTo()
- system_w_init()
- updateManifest()
- update_PACKAGES()
- versions()
R Codes
- 00graceful_inet.R
- accessors.R
- AllClasses.R
- allGenerics.R
- annotateDESCs.R
- biocManifest.R
- biocversion.R
- cmethods.R
- conditionalCode.R
- crandbtmp.R
- dodeps.R
- findCtx.R
- flushSession.R
- GitFunctions.R
- head-methods.R
- Install.R
- lazyRepo.R
- loadGRAN.R
- loadManifest.R
- makeBiocVersions.R
- makeCheckout.R
- makeLibraryCtx.R
- makePkgSourceDir-methods.R
- manifest.R
- manifestFromGHOrg.R
- manifestFromLib.R
- manifestFromLocal.R
- methods.R
- profile.R
- removeLibrary.R
- retrievePkgVersion.R
- saveManifest.R
- sessionInfo.R
- show-methods.R
- SVNFunctions.R
- SwitchrParam.R
- Utilities.R
- write_PACKAGES2.R
- zzz.R
Selected R package: switchr
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