R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- association()
- asthma()
- BonferroniSig()
- GenomicControl()
- getGeneSymbol()
- getNiceTable()
- getSignificantSNPs()
- haplointeraction()
- HapMap()
- HapMap.SNPs.pos()
- inheritance()
- int()
- interactionPval()
- intervals()
- isMonomorphic()
- LD()
- makegeno()
- maxstat()
- odds()
- permTest()
- plotMissing()
- plotWGassociation()
- qqpval()
- related()
- resHapMap()
- scanWGassociation()
- setupSNP()
- snp()
- SNPassoc-internal()
- SNPs.info.pos()
- SNPs()
- sortSNPs()
- tableHWE()
- Tablemeanse()
- TableNPer()
- WGassociation()
R Codes
- additive.default.R
- additive.R
- additive.snp.R
- additive.WGassociation.R
- as.snp.R
- assoc.R
- association.fit.R
- association.R
- Bonferroni.sig.R
- codominant.default.R
- codominant.R
- codominant.snp.R
- codominant.WGassociation.R
- crea.lab.R
- dominant.default.R
- dominant.R
- dominant.snp.R
- dominant.WGassociation.R
- expandsetupSNP.R
- extractPval.i.R
- extractPval.R
- GenomicControl.R
- GenotypeRate.R
- getGeneSymbol.R
- getNiceTable.R
- getSignificantSNPs.R
- haplo.inter.fit.R
- haplo.interaction.R
- int.R
- interactionPval.R
- interleave.R
- intervals.dif.R
- intervals.haplo.glm.R
- intervals.or.R
- intervals.R
- is.Monomorphic.R
- is.quantitative.R
- is.snp.R
- labels.setupSNP.R
- labels.WGassociation.R
- LD.R
- make.geno.R
- maxstat.default.R
- maxstat.matrix.R
- maxstat.R
- maxstat.setupSNP.R
- maxstat.table.R
- modelTest.R
- orderChromosome.R
- overdominant.default.R
- overdominant.R
- overdominant.snp.R
- overdominant.WGassociation.R
- permTest.R
- plot.permTest.R
- plot.setupSNP.R
- plot.snp.R
- plot.SNPinteraction.R
- plotMissing.R
- plotWGassociation.R
- print.haploOut.R
- print.intervals.R
- print.LD.R
- print.maxstat.R
- print.permTest.R
- print.SNPinteraction.R
- print.snpOut.R
- print.summary.snp.R
- print.tableHWE.R
- print.WGassociation.R
- pvalTest.R
- pvalues.R
- pvalues.WGassociation.R
- recessive.default.R
- recessive.R
- recessive.snp.R
- recessive.WGassociation.R
- related.R
- reorder.snp.R
- scanWGassociation.R
- setupSNP.R
- snp.R
- sortSNPs.R
- summary.haplo.glm.R
- summary.setupSNP.R
- summary.snp.R
- summary.WGassociation.R
- table.corner.R
- table.interaction.R
- Table.mean.se.R
- Table.N.Per.R
- tableHWE.R
- togeno.R
- trim.R
- WGassociation.R
- WGstats.R
- z$.setupSNP.R
- z[.setupSNP.R
- z[.WGassociation.R
- z[[_-.setupSNP.R
- z[_-.setupSNP.R
Selected R package: SNPassoc
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