R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- adjlg()
- AIC()
- algebra()
- anova.HLfit()
- arabidopsis()
- ARp()
- as_LMLT()
- autoregressive()
- betabin()
- beta_resp()
- blackcap()
- CauchyCorr()
- clinics()
- COMPoisson()
- composite_ranef()
- confint()
- control.HLfit()
- convergence()
- corMatern()
- corrFamily-definition()
- corrFamily-design()
- corrFamily()
- corrHLfit()
- corrMatrix()
- corr_family()
- covStruct()
- diallel()
- diallel_fixed()
- div_info()
- DoF()
- dofuture()
- dopar()
- drop1.HLfit()
- eval_replicate()
- extractors()
- extreme_eig()
- fitme()
- fitmv()
- fixed.LRT()
- fixed()
- fix_predVar()
- freight()
- get_cPredVar()
- get_fittedPars()
- get_inits_from_fit()
- get_matrix()
- get_RLRSim_args()
- GLM.fit()
- good-practice()
- Gryphon()
- hatvalues.HLfit()
- HLCor()
- HLfit()
- how()
- IMRF()
- inits()
- inverse.Gamma()
- is_separated()
- Leuca()
- lev2bool()
- libraries()
- llm.fit()
- Loaloa()
- make.scaled.dist()
- mapMM()
- MaternCorr()
- MaternIMRF()
- mat_sqrt()
- method()
- multinomial()
- mv()
- negbin()
- negbin1()
- numInfo()
- options()
- pedigree()
- phi-resid.model()
- plot.HL()
- plot_effect()
- PLS-internals()
- poisson()
- post-fit()
- predict()
- predVar()
- R2()
- random-effects()
- rankinfo()
- register_cF()
- resid.model()
- residuals.HLfit()
- residVar()
- salamander()
- scotlip()
- seaMask()
- seeds()
- setNbThreads()
- simulate()
- spaMM-conventions()
- spaMM-internal()
- spaMM-S3()
- spaMM.filled.contour()
- spaMM()
- spaMMcolors()
- spaMM_boot()
- stripHLfit()
- summary.HL()
- update()
- vcov()
- verbose()
- wafers()
- welding()
- WinterWheat()
- wrap_parallel()
- ZAXlist()
R Codes
- antisym.R
- augZXy_obj.R
- Beta.R
- betabin.R
- betaresp.R
- bloc_lambda.R
- calc_logdisp_cov.R
- calc_LRT.R
- CanonizeRanPars.R
- combinepar.R
- COMPoisson.R
- confint.R
- constructors_IMRFs.R
- corMatern.R
- correlationFns.R
- corrFamilies.R
- corrFamily.R
- corrHLfit-internals.R
- corrHLfit.R
- corrHLfit_body.R
- corrMM.LRT.R
- corrPars.R
- cov_new_fix.R
- determine_spprec.R
- dispGammaGLM.R
- dofuture.R
- drop1.R
- expandSlash.R
- extractors.R
- fam2LLfam.R
- fitme.R
- fitmecorrHLfit_body_internals.R
- fitme_body.R
- fitme_fitmv_internals.R
- fitmv_body.R
- fitmv_internals.R
- fit_as_sparsePrecision.R
- fit_as_ZX.R
- generateName.R
- geo_info.R
- get_cPredVar.R
- get_inits_by_glm.R
- GLM.fit.R
- glm.nodev.fit.R
- glm.reformat.R
- hatvalues.R
- HLCor.R
- HLCor_body.R
- HLFactorList.R
- HLfit.R
- HLfit_body.R
- HLfit_body_augZXy.R
- HLfit_body_NOT_loopenv.R
- HLfit_b_internals.R
- HLfit_Internals.R
- HLfit_loop.R
- HLframes.R
- inverse.Gamma.R
- IRLS_internals.R
- LevenbergMstep.R
- LevM_internals.R
- LevM_v_h.R
- LevM_v_h_spprec.R
- llm.fit.R
- LMLTslots.R
- locoptim.R
- LR.R
- MakeCovEst.R
- makeLowerUpper.R
- mapMM.R
- Matern_family.R
- multiFRK.R
- multinomial.R
- negbin1.R
- negbin2.R
- newPLS.R
- numInfo.R
- plot.HLfit.R
- plot_effects.R
- poisson.R
- postfit_internals.R
- precision_internals.R
- predict.R
- predictor.R
- predict_marg.R
- predict_mv.R
- preprocess.R
- preprocess_internals.R
- preprocess_MV.R
- profile.R
- RcppExports.R
- safe_opt.R
- save.R
- separator.R
- simulate.HL.R
- spaMM.data.R
- spaMM_boot.R
- spaMM_error.R
- sparseX.R
- step_HLfit.R
- summary.HL.R
- sXaug_EigenDense_QRP_Chol_scaled.R
- sXaug_Matrix_CHM_Hess.R
- sXaug_Matrix_QRP_CHM.R
- sXaug_sparsePrecisions.R
- terms.R
- update.HL.R
- utils.R
- ZAL_class.R
Selected R package: spaMM
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