R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- adjwgt()
- adjwgtNR()
- ash1_wgt()
- attrisk_analysis()
- cat_analysis()
- cdf_plot()
- change_analysis()
- cont_analysis()
- cont_cdfplot()
- cont_cdftest()
- cov_panel_dsgn()
- diffrisk_analysis()
- errorprnt()
- grts()
- Illinois_River()
- Illinois_River_Legacy()
- irs()
- Lake_Ontario()
- localmean_cov()
- localmean_var()
- localmean_weight()
- NE_Lakes()
- NE_Lakes_df()
- NE_Lakes_Legacy()
- pd_summary()
- plot()
- plot.sp_CDF()
- power_dsgn()
- ppd_plot()
- relrisk_analysis()
- revisit_bibd()
- revisit_dsgn()
- revisit_rand()
- spsurvey-package()
- sp_balance()
- sp_frame()
- sp_plot()
- sp_rbind()
- sp_summary()
- stopprnt()
- summary()
- trend_analysis()
- warnprnt()
R Codes
- adjwgt.R
- adjwgtNR.R
- ash1_wgt.R
- attrisk_analysis.R
- attrisk_var.R
- bootfcn.R
- category_est.R
- catvar_prop.R
- catvar_total.R
- cat_analysis.R
- cat_localmean_prop.R
- cat_localmean_total.R
- cdftestvar_prop.R
- cdftestvar_total.R
- cdftest_localmean_prop.R
- cdftest_localmean_total.R
- cdfvar_prop.R
- cdfvar_total.R
- cdf_est.R
- cdf_localmean_prop.R
- cdf_localmean_total.R
- cdf_nresp.R
- cdf_plot.R
- cdf_prop.R
- changevar_mean.R
- changevar_prop.R
- changevar_total.R
- change_analysis.R
- change_est.R
- contrast_analysis.R
- cont_analysis.R
- cont_cdfplot.R
- cont_cdftest.R
- cov_panel_dsgn.R
- data.R
- diffrisk_analysis.R
- dsgn_check.R
- errorprnt.R
- get_address.R
- globalVariables.R
- grts.R
- grtspts_ip.R
- grtspts_ipleg.R
- grtspts_mindis.R
- grts_stratum.R
- input_check.R
- insideAreaGridCell.R
- insideLinearGridCell.R
- interp_axis.R
- interp_cdf.R
- irs.R
- irspts_mindis.R
- irs_stratum.R
- localmean_cov.R
- localmean_var.R
- localmean_weight.R
- mean_est.R
- mean_localmean.R
- mean_var.R
- pd_summary.R
- percentile_est.R
- plot.R
- power_dsgn.R
- ppd_plot.R
- print.R
- relrisk_analysis.R
- relrisk_var.R
- replace_near.R
- revisit_bibd.R
- revisit_dsgn.R
- revisit_rand.R
- rho.R
- spsurvey.R
- sp_balance.R
- sp_frame.R
- sp_plot.R
- sp_rbind.R
- sp_summary.R
- startup.R
- stopprnt.R
- summary.R
- survey_design.R
- svychisq_localmean.R
- total_est.R
- total_localmean.R
- total_var.R
- trend_analysis.R
- uniqueID.R
- utils.R
- vecprint.R
- warnprnt.R
Selected R package: spsurvey
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