R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- abcSGP()
- analyzeSGP()
- baselineSGP()
- bubblePlot()
- bubblePlot_Styles()
- capwords()
- combineSGP()
- courseProgressionSGP()
- createKnotsBoundaries()
- getStateAbbreviation()
- gofSGP()
- growthAchievementPlot()
- outputSGP()
- prepareSGP()
- rliSGP()
- setNamesSGP()
- SGP-class()
- SGP-package()
- SGPstateData()
- splineMatrix-class()
- studentGrowthPercentiles()
- studentGrowthPlot()
- studentGrowthPlot_Styles()
- studentGrowthProjections()
- summarizeSGP()
- testSGP()
- updateSGP()
- visualizeSGP()
R Codes
- abcSGP.R
- analyzeSGP.R
- as.splineMatrix.R
- baselineSGP.R
- bubblePlot.R
- bubblePlot_Styles.R
- capwords.R
- checkConfig.R
- checkKnotsBoundaries.R
- checkSGP.R
- checksplineMatrix.R
- combineSGP.R
- convertScaleScore.R
- convertTime.R
- courseProgressionSGP.R
- createKnotsBoundaries.R
- createLongCutscores.R
- createSuperCohortData.R
- createUniqueLongData.R
- csemScoreSimulator.R
- ddcast.R
- detectSGPCores.R
- equateSGP.R
- getAchievementLevel.R
- getCohortDataInfo.R
- getErrorReports.R
- getFirstAndLastInGroup.R
- getHighNeedStatus.R
- getJSON.R
- getKey.R
- getKnotsBoundaries.R
- getMaxOrderForProgression.R
- getMyLabel.R
- getNewCutscores.R
- getPanelData.R
- getPanelDataVnames.R
- getPercentileTableNames.R
- getPreferredSGP.R
- getSGPBaselineConfig.R
- getSGPColor.R
- getSGPConfig.R
- getSGPSRSBaselineConfig.R
- getSGPtNames.R
- getsplineMatrices.R
- getStateAbbreviation.R
- getTableNameYear.R
- getTargetAchievementLevels.R
- getTargetInitialStatus.R
- getTargetName.R
- getTargetScaleScore.R
- getTargetSGP.R
- getTargetSGPContentArea.R
- getTargetSGPLevel.R
- getTimeShiftIndex.R
- getVersion.R
- getYearsContentAreasGrades.R
- gofSGP.R
- growthAchievementPlot.R
- is.SGP.R
- is.splineMatrix.R
- linkagePlot.R
- mergeScaleScoreTarget.R
- mergeSGP.R
- messageSGP.R
- outputSGP.R
- piecewiseTransform.R
- prepareSGP.R
- prettyDate.R
- rliCutscoreCreation.R
- rliSGP.R
- setNamesSGP.R
- SGP-class.R
- splineMatrix-class.R
- sqliteSGP.R
- startParallel.R
- stopParallel.R
- stratifiedRandomSampleSGP.R
- studentGrowthPercentiles.R
- studentGrowthPlot.R
- studentGrowthPlot_Styles.R
- studentGrowthProjections.R
- summarizeSGP.R
- summarizeSGP_Utilities.R
- testSGP.R
- timetakenSGP.R
- transformScaleScore.R
- unfoldstudentGrowthPlots.R
- unique.splineMatrix.R
- updateSGP.R
- visualizeSGP.R
- yearIncrement.R
- zzz.R
Selected R package: SGP
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