R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- additive.function()
- AIC.glmssn()
- binSp()
- BlockPredict()
- BLUP()
- boxplot.SpatialStreamNetwork()
- copyLSN2temp()
- covparms()
- createDistMat()
- createSSN()
- CrossValidationSSN()
- CrossValidationStatsSSN()
- designs()
- EmpiricalSemivariogram()
- fitNS()
- fitRE()
- fitSimBin()
- fitSimGau()
- fitSimPoi()
- fitSp()
- fitSpBk()
- fitSpRE1()
- fitSpRE2()
- getConfusionMat()
- getPreds()
- glmssn-class()
- glmssn()
- GR2()
- importPredpts()
- importSSN()
- influenceSSN-class()
- InfoCritCompare()
- mf04()
- mf04p()
- MiddleFork04.ssn()
- plot.glmssn.predict()
- plot.influenceSSN()
- plot.SpatialStreamNetwork()
- plot.Torgegram()
- poiSp()
- predict.glmssn()
- print.summary.glmssn()
- putSSNdata.frame()
- residuals.glmssn()
- SimulateOnSSN()
- SpatialStreamNetwork-class()
- SSN-package()
- summary.glmssn()
- Torgegram()
- updatePath()
- varcomp()
R Codes
- additive.function.R
- AIC.glmssn.R
- amongPredsDistMat.R
- arg.error.check.multi.R
- BlockPredict.R
- boxplot.SpatialStreamNetwork.R
- cau.Euclid.R
- classes.R
- copyLSN2temp.R
- covparms.R
- createDistMat.R
- createSSN.R
- dataXY.R
- designs.R
- distGeo.R
- EmpiricalSemivariogam.R
- epa.taildown.R
- epa.tailup.R
- exp.Euclid.R
- exp.taildown.R
- exp.tailup.R
- gau.Euclid.R
- get.rid.fc.R
- getConfusionMat.R
- getObsRelationshipsDF.R
- getPredRelationshipsDF.R
- getPreds.R
- getStreamDistMat.R
- glmssn.R
- glmssn1.R
- GR2.R
- importPredpts.R
- importSSN.R
- InfoCritCompare.R
- invall.R
- lin.taildown.R
- lin.tailup.R
- locationsDF.R
- m2LL.stream.R
- makeCovMat.R
- mar.taildown.R
- mar.tailup.R
- mginv.R
- names.SpatialStreamNetwork.R
- plot.glmssn.predict.R
- plot.influenceSSN.R
- plot.SpatialStreamNetwork.R
- predict.glmssn.R
- residuals.glmssn.R
- rref.R
- show_SpatialStreamNetwork.R
- SimulateOnSSN.R
- sph.Euclid.R
- sph.taildown.R
- sph.tailup.R
- SSN-methods.R
- summary.glmssn.predict.R
- summary.glmssn.R
- summary.influenceSSN.R
- summary.SpatialStreamNetwork.R
- theta.ini.R
- Torgegram.R
- UK4Apply.R
- untrans.theta.R
- varcomp.glmssn.R
- X.design.R
- xyplot.EmpiricalSemivariogramSSN.R
Selected R package: SSN
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