R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- abserrloss()
- Aindex()
- bearing()
- binarizer()
- calculate_dFSS()
- calculate_FSSvector_from_binary_fields()
- calculate_FSSwind()
- censqdelta()
- centdist()
- Cindex()
- CircleHistogram()
- clusterer()
- combiner()
- compositer()
- CSIsamples()
- datasets()
- deltamm()
- disjointer()
- EBS()
- ExampleSpatialVxSet()
- expvg()
- expvgram()
- FeatureAxis()
- FeatureFinder()
- FeatureMatchAnalyzer()
- FeatureProps()
- FeatureTable()
- Fint2d()
- FQI()
- fss2dfun()
- fss2dPlot()
- Gbeta()
- GeoBoxPlot()
- GFSNAMfcstEx()
- gmm2d()
- griddedVgram()
- hiw()
- hoods2d()
- hoods2dPlot()
- hump()
- imomenter()
- interester()
- iwarper()
- locmeasures2d()
- locperf()
- LocSig()
- lossdiff()
- make.SpatialVx()
- MCdof()
- MergeForce()
- metrV()
- Mij()
- minboundmatch()
- OF()
- optflow()
- pphindcast2d()
- rigider()
- S1()
- saller()
- Sindex()
- spatbiasFS()
- SpatialVx-internal()
- SpatialVx-package()
- spct()
- structurogram.matrix()
- structurogram()
- surrogater2d()
- TheBigG()
- thresholder()
- UKobs6()
- upscale2d()
- variographier()
- vxstats()
- warper()
- waveIS()
- wavePurifyVx()
- waverify2d()
R Codes
- Aindex.R
- binarizer.R
- CA.R
- calculate_dFSS.R
- calculate_fractions_from_enlarged_summed_field.R
- calculate_FSSvector_from_binary_fields.R
- calculate_FSSvector_from_enlarged_summed_fields.R
- calculate_FSSwind.R
- calculate_FSS_from_enlarged_summed_fields.R
- calculate_n05_using_bisection_from_the_summed_fields.R
- calculate_summed_field.R
- censqdelta.R
- Cindex.R
- CircleHistogram.R
- combiner.R
- compositer.R
- DataObjects.R
- deltamm.R
- dF.R
- enlarge_matrix.R
- equal.axis.R
- FeatureFinder.R
- Features.R
- FeatureTable.R
- Fint2d.R
- functionals.R
- G2IL.R
- Gbeta.R
- GbetaIL.R
- gmm.R
- hiw.R
- Hoods2d.R
- imomenter.R
- interester.R
- iwarper.R
- LocMeasures.R
- MergeForce.R
- minboundmatch.R
- Misc.R
- OF.R
- plot.matched.R
- plot.warped.R
- prinwarp.R
- Q.R
- Qgauss.R
- QlossRigid.R
- Qnonzero.R
- rigider.R
- SigFuns.R
- Sindex.R
- spct.R
- TheBigG.R
- Vgrams.R
- warper.R
- warpTps.R
- warpTpsConverter.R
- waveIS.R
- wavePurifyVx.R
- waverify.R
Selected R package: SpatialVx
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