R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- addAM()
- addFormants()
- addPitchCands()
- addVectors()
- analyze()
- analyzeFrame()
- annotation_app()
- audSpectrogram()
- averageMatrices()
- bandpass()
- beat()
- checkInputType()
- clumper()
- compareSounds()
- convertStringToFormants()
- convert_sec_to_hms()
- costJumps()
- costPerPath()
- crossFade()
- defaults()
- defaults_analyze()
- defaults_analyze_pitchCand()
- def_form()
- detectNLP()
- detectNLP_training_nonv()
- detectNLP_training_synth()
- divideIntoSyllables()
- dot-addAM()
- dot-addFormants()
- dot-analyze()
- dot-audSpectrogram()
- dot-bandpass()
- dot-detectNLP()
- dot-fade()
- dot-filterSoundByMS()
- dot-flatEnv()
- dot-flatSpectrum()
- dot-getDuration()
- dot-getLoudness()
- dot-getPitchZc()
- dot-getRMS()
- dot-getSurprisal()
- dot-modulationSpectrum()
- dot-osc()
- dot-phasegram()
- dot-pitchDescriptives()
- dot-prosody()
- dot-resample()
- dot-reverb()
- dot-segment()
- dot-shiftFormants()
- dot-shiftPitch()
- dot-spectrogram()
- dot-ssm()
- dot-timeStretch()
- dPhase()
- drawContour()
- ERBToHz()
- estimateVTL()
- evaluatePars()
- fade()
- fart()
- filled.contour.mod()
- filterMS()
- filterSoundByMS()
- findBursts()
- findElbow()
- findGrad()
- findInflections()
- findJumps()
- findSyllables()
- findVoicedSegments()
- findZeroCrossing()
- flatEnv()
- flatSpectrum()
- forcePerPath()
- formant_app()
- formatPitchManual()
- gaussianSmooth2D()
- generateEpoch()
- generateGC()
- generateHarmonics()
- generateNoise()
- generatePath()
- getAM()
- getAM_env()
- getBandwidth()
- getCheckerboardKernel()
- getCPP()
- getDiscreteContour()
- getDom()
- getDuration()
- getEntropy()
- getEnv()
- getFeatureFlux()
- getFormantDispersion()
- getFormants()
- getFrameBank()
- getGlottalCycles()
- getHNR()
- getIntegerRandomWalk()
- getLoudness()
- getLoudnessPerFrame()
- getMelSpec()
- getNovelty()
- getPeakFreq()
- getPitchAutocor()
- getPitchCep()
- getPitchHps()
- getPitchSpec()
- getPitchZc()
- getPrior()
- getRandomWalk()
- getRMS()
- getRolloff()
- getRough()
- getSigmoid()
- getSmoothContour()
- getSmoothSpectrum()
- getSpectralEnvelope()
- getSpectralFlux()
- getSurprisal()
- getSurprisal_matrix()
- getSurprisal_vector()
- getVocalFry()
- getVocalFry_per_epoch()
- guessPhase_GL()
- guessPhase_spsi()
- harmEnergy()
- harmHeight()
- harmHeight_dif()
- harmHeight_peaks()
- hillenbrand()
- htmlPlots()
- hz2mel()
- HzToERB()
- HzToNotes()
- HzToSemitones()
- identifyAndPlay()
- interpolate()
- interpolMatrix()
- intplNA()
- invertSpectrogram()
- isCentral.localMax()
- isNeighbour_mod()
- iso226()
- istft_mod()
- killDC()
- listDepth()
- lockToFormants()
- log01()
- logistic()
- logit()
- logMatrix()
- logWarpMS()
- matchColumns()
- matchLengths()
- matchPars()
- medianSmoother()
- Mode()
- modulationSpectrum()
- modulationSpectrumFragment()
- morph()
- morphDF()
- morphFormants()
- morphList()
- msToSpec()
- naiveBayes()
- naiveBayes_dynamicPrior()
- naiveBayes_likelihood()
- naiveBayes_train()
- nonLinearPrediction_mod()
- nonlinPred()
- nonlinStats()
- normalizeFolder()
- notesDict()
- notesToHz()
- objectToString()
- optimizePars()
- osc()
- parabPeakInterpol()
- pathfinder()
- pathfinding_fast()
- pathfinding_slow()
- pDistr()
- permittedValues()
- phasegram()
- phasePropagate()
- phon2sone()
- pitchContour()
- pitchDescriptives()
- pitchManual()
- pitchSmoothPraat()
- pitch_app()
- playme()
- plotMS()
- plotSpec()
- presets()
- princarg()
- processAudio()
- prosody()
- pseudoLog()
- pseudoLog_undo()
- rbind_fill()
- readAudio()
- reformatAnchors()
- reformatFormants()
- reportCI()
- reportTime()
- resample()
- reverb()
- rnorm_truncated()
- sampleModif()
- scaleNoiseAnchors()
- scaleSPL()
- schwa()
- segment()
- segmentManual()
- selfsim()
- semitonesToHz()
- shiftFormants()
- shiftPitch()
- silenceSegments()
- sinc()
- snake()
- soundgen()
- soundgen_app()
- specToMS()
- spectrogram()
- splitContour()
- splitIntoChunks()
- spreadSpec()
- ssm()
- subhToHarm()
- summarizeAnalyze()
- switchColorTheme()
- timeSeriesSummary()
- timeStretch()
- to_dB()
- transplantEnv()
- transplantFormants()
- updateAnalyze()
- upsampleGC()
- validatePars()
- warpMatrix()
- wiggleAnchors()
- wiggleGC()
- wigglePars()
- writeAudio()
- zeroOne()
R Codes
- am.R
- amplitude.R
- analyze.R
- analyze_utilities.R
- apps.R
- audSpec.R
- compareSounds.R
- data.R
- defaults.R
- detectNLP.R
- duration.R
- filters.R
- formants.R
- formants_utilities.R
- invertModulSpec.R
- invertSpectrogram.R
- io.R
- loudness.R
- loudness_utilities.R
- matchPars.R
- math.R
- modulationSpectrum.R
- morph.R
- morph_utilities.R
- naiveBayes.R
- nonlinPred.R
- optimize.R
- osc.R
- phasegram.R
- pitchDescriptives.R
- pitchTrackers.R
- pitch_postprocessing.R
- postprocessing.R
- presets.R
- prosody.R
- resample.R
- rolloff.R
- segment.R
- segment_utilities.R
- shiftFormants.R
- shiftPitch.R
- smoothContours.R
- soundgen.R
- soundgen_utilities.R
- source.R
- spectralDescr.R
- spectrogram.R
- subharmonics.R
- surprisal.R
- timeStretch.R
- vtl.R
- zzz.R
Selected R package: soundgen
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