R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- activate()
- as_spacetime()
- center_mean()
- check_pkg_suggests()
- check_polygon()
- classify_hotspot()
- class_modify()
- complete_spacetime_cube()
- cond_permute_nb()
- critical_threshold()
- ellipse()
- emerging_hotspot_analysis()
- find_xj()
- global_c()
- global_colocation()
- global_colocation_calc()
- global_colocation_perm_impl()
- global_c_perm()
- global_c_test()
- global_g_test()
- global_jc_perm()
- global_moran()
- global_moran_bv()
- global_moran_perm()
- global_moran_test()
- guerry()
- include_self()
- inverse_dist_calc()
- is_spacetime_cube()
- jc_bjc_calc()
- jc_bjc_perm_impl()
- jc_clc_perm_impl()
- kernels()
- local_c()
- local_colocation()
- local_colocation_calc()
- local_colocation_impl()
- local_g()
- local_gstar()
- local_g_spt()
- local_jc_bv()
- local_jc_uni()
- local_moran()
- local_moran_bv()
- local_moran_bv_calc()
- local_moran_bv_impl()
- local_moran_bv_perm_impl()
- losh()
- nb_match_test()
- nb_union()
- nmt_calc()
- nmt_impl()
- nmt_perm_impl()
- node_get_nbs()
- pairwise_colocation()
- pairwise_colocation_calc()
- pairwise_colocation_perm_impl()
- pct_nonzero()
- permute_listw()
- recreate_listw()
- set_col()
- shuffle_nbs()
- sin_d()
- spacetime()
- spatial_gini()
- spt_nb()
- spt_order()
- spt_update()
- spt_wt()
- std_dev_ellipse()
- std_distance()
- st_as_edges()
- st_as_graph()
- st_as_nodes()
- st_block_nb()
- st_cardinalties()
- st_complete_nb()
- st_contiguity()
- st_dist_band()
- st_inverse_distance()
- st_kernel_weights()
- st_knn()
- st_lag()
- st_nb_apply()
- st_nb_delaunay()
- st_nb_dists()
- st_nb_lag()
- st_nb_lag_cumul()
- st_weights()
- szero()
- tidyverse()
- wt_as_matrix()
R Codes
- apply.R
- aspace-trig.R
- as_matrix.R
- cardinality.R
- data.R
- emerging-hostpot-analysis.R
- emerging-hostpot-classifications.R
- global-colocation-impl.R
- global-gini.R
- global-measures.R
- global-moran-bv-impl.R
- joincount-bv-impl.R
- joincount-uni-impl.R
- lag.R
- lisa.R
- local-colocation-quotient-impl.R
- local-moran-bv-impl.R
- localC.R
- localG-star.R
- localG.R
- losh.R
- nb-block-contiguity.R
- nb-complete-graph.R
- nb-graph.R
- nb-match-test-impl.R
- nb_dists.R
- neighbors.R
- pariwise-colocation-impl.R
- point-pattern-centers.R
- point-pattern_std-distance.R
- pp-ellipse.R
- pp-std_dev_ellipse.R
- sfdep-package.R
- sfn-node-get.R
- sfnetworks.R
- spacetime-activate.R
- spacetime-constructor.R
- spacetime-cube-complete.R
- spacetime-cube-set-cols.R
- spacetime-cube-test.R
- spacetime-local-gistar-impl.R
- spacetime-methods.R
- spacetime-nb-wt.R
- utils-constants.R
- utils-kernels.R
- utils-self.R
- utils-set-operations.R
- utils.R
- weights-contiguity.R
- weights-inverse-distance.R
- weights-kernel.R
- zzz.R
Selected R package: sfdep
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