R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- angle_diff()
- bbox_scale()
- bind_sf()
- cents_sf()
- destinations_sf()
- flow()
- flowlines_sf()
- flow_dests()
- geo_bb()
- geo_bb_matrix()
- geo_buffer()
- geo_code()
- geo_length()
- geo_projected()
- geo_select_aeq()
- geo_toptail()
- gsection()
- islines()
- is_linepoint()
- line2df()
- line2points()
- line_bearing()
- line_breakup()
- line_cast()
- line_midpoint()
- line_segment()
- line_via()
- mats2line()
- n_vertices()
- od2line()
- od2odf()
- odmatrix_to_od()
- od_aggregate_from()
- od_aggregate_to()
- od_coords()
- od_coords2line()
- od_data_lines()
- od_data_routes()
- od_data_sample()
- od_id()
- od_id_order()
- od_oneway()
- od_to_odmatrix()
- onewaygeo()
- osm_net_example()
- overline()
- overline_intersection()
- pipe()
- points2flow()
- points2line()
- points2odf()
- quadrant()
- read_table_builder()
- rnet_add_node()
- rnet_boundary_points()
- rnet_breakup_vertices()
- rnet_connected()
- rnet_cycleway_intersection()
- rnet_get_nodes()
- rnet_group()
- rnet_join()
- rnet_merge()
- rnet_overpass()
- rnet_roundabout()
- rnet_subset()
- route()
- routes_fast_sf()
- routes_slow_sf()
- route_average_gradient()
- route_bikecitizens()
- route_dodgr()
- route_google()
- route_nearest_point()
- route_network_sf()
- route_network_small()
- route_osrm()
- route_rolling_average()
- route_rolling_diff()
- route_rolling_gradient()
- route_sequential_dist()
- route_slope_matrix()
- route_slope_vector()
- route_split()
- route_split_id()
- stplanr-deprecated()
- stplanr-package()
- toptail_buff()
- zones_sf()
R Codes
- data.R
- deprecated.R
- geo-functions.R
- geo_code.R
- geo_projected.R
- gps.R
- linefuns.R
- line_breakup.R
- line_via.R
- loadABS.R
- node-funs.R
- od-funs.R
- oneway.R
- overline.R
- quadrants.R
- RcppExports.R
- rnet-clean.R
- rnet_boundary_points.R
- rnet_group.R
- rnet_join.R
- route.R
- route_bikecitizens.R
- route_funs.R
- route_google.R
- route_local.R
- route_osrm.R
- slope.R
- stplanr-package.R
- toptail.R
- utils-pipe.R
Selected R package: stplanr
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