R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- addMessage()
- addPreprocessingStep()
- baselineCorrect()
- changeDevSettings()
- checkCompatible()
- checkForRedundantSources()
- checkIdenticalClass()
- checkMethod()
- checkTimeUnit()
- combineSpectralObjects()
- completeSourceMatrix()
- computeNMFResidu()
- convertListToS4()
- convertS4ToList()
- e()
- ElementsToSelect-class()
- first()
- firstSpectrum()
- flagVectorInInterval()
- getClosestElements()
- getDefaultSumFunc()
- getDefaultTimeFormat()
- getDimensionReduction()
- getElements()
- getExperimentName()
- getExtraInfo()
- getListOfSpectraExample()
- getNMFInputMatrix()
- getPathProcessTimesExample()
- getPreprocessing()
- getProcessTimesExample()
- getProcessTimesFrameExample()
- getRange()
- getSpectra()
- getSpectraInTimeCompExample()
- getSpectraInTimeExample()
- getSpectralAxis()
- getStartTime()
- getTimeConversionFactor()
- getTimePoints()
- getUnits()
- includeRedundantSources()
- initializeNMFModel()
- last()
- lastSpectrum()
- loadAllSPCFiles()
- localBaselineCorrect()
- multiplicativeScatterCorrect()
- nonNegativePreprocessing()
- normalize()
- plotlyAxis()
- predictNNLS()
- preprocess()
- preprocessSpectraInTimeWithList()
- ProcessTimes-class()
- ProcessTimesFrame-class()
- r()
- RangeToSubset-class()
- readProcessTimes()
- readSPC()
- removeRedundantSources()
- runNMF()
- saveSpectra()
- scaleNMFResult()
- scatterCorrect()
- scatterCorrectSpectra()
- setExperimentName()
- setTimePointsAlt()
- smooth()
- SpectraInTime-class()
- SpectraInTimeComp-class()
- spectralIntegration()
- spectralNMF()
- spectralNMFList()
- spectralNormalization()
- spectralPLSCalibration()
- spectralPlsPrediction()
- spectralSmoothAndDifferentiate()
- subset-methods()
- subset.SpectraTime()
- SummaryByWavelengths-class()
- testListOfSpectra()
- timeAlign.listOfSpectra()
- timeAlign()
- timeAlign.SpectraInTime()
- trapz()
- upsampleNMFResult()
- wavelengthAlign()
R Codes
- alignmentFunctions.R
- allGenericFunctions.R
- combineSpectralObjects.R
- dataManagementTools.R
- defaults.R
- internalHelpers.R
- objectLinking.R
- objectProcessTimes.R
- objectSpectraInTime.R
- objectSpectraInTimeComp.R
- readSPC.R
- saveSpectraInTime.R
- spectralIntegration.R
- spectralNMF.R
- spectralPLS.R
- spectralPreprocessing.R
- spectralVisualization.R
- subsetting.R
Selected R package: spectralAnalysis
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