R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- actionBttn()
- actionGroupButtons()
- addSpinner()
- airDatepicker()
- animateOptions()
- animations()
- appendVerticalTab()
- autonumericInput()
- awesomeCheckbox()
- awesomeCheckboxGroup()
- awesomeRadio()
- bootstrap-utils()
- checkboxGroupButtons()
- chooseSliderSkin()
- circleButton()
- closeSweetAlert()
- colorPickr()
- colorSelectorInput()
- create_tree()
- demoAirDatepicker()
- demoNoUiSlider()
- demoNumericRange()
- demoVirtualSelect()
- deprecated()
- downloadBttn()
- drop-menu-interaction()
- dropdown()
- dropdownButton()
- dropMenu()
- dropMenuOptions()
- execute_safely()
- formaNumericInputUpdate()
- formatNumericInput()
- html-dependencies()
- inputSweetAlert()
- knobInput()
- materialSwitch()
- multiInput()
- noUiSliderInput()
- numericInputIcon()
- numericRangeInput()
- pickerGroup-module()
- pickerInput()
- pickerOptions()
- prepare_choices()
- prettyCheckbox()
- prettyCheckboxGroup()
- prettyRadioButtons()
- prettySwitch()
- prettyToggle()
- progress-bar()
- progressSweetAlert()
- radioGroupButtons()
- searchInput()
- selectizeGroup-module()
- setBackgroundColor()
- setBackgroundImage()
- shinyWidgets()
- shinyWidgetsGallery()
- show_toast()
- sliderTextInput()
- spectrumInput()
- stati-card()
- sweetalert-confirmation()
- sweetalert()
- switchInput()
- textInputAddon()
- textInputIcon()
- toggleDropdownButton()
- tooltipOptions()
- treeInput()
- updateAirDateInput()
- updateAutonumericInput()
- updateAwesomeCheckbox()
- updateAwesomeCheckboxGroup()
- updateAwesomeRadio()
- updateCheckboxGroupButtons()
- updateColorPickr()
- updateKnobInput()
- updateMaterialSwitch()
- updateMultiInput()
- updateNoUiSliderInput()
- updateNumericInputIcon()
- updateNumericRangeInput()
- updatePickerInput()
- updatePrettyCheckbox()
- updatePrettyCheckboxGroup()
- updatePrettyRadioButtons()
- updatePrettySwitch()
- updatePrettyToggle()
- updateRadioGroupButtons()
- updateSearchInput()
- updateSliderTextInput()
- updateSpectrumInput()
- updateSwitchInput()
- updateTextInputIcon()
- updateTreeInput()
- updateVerticalTabsetPanel()
- updateVirtualSelect()
- useSweetAlert()
- vertical-tab()
- virtualSelectInput()
- wNumbFormat()
R Codes
- actionBttn.R
- addSpinner.R
- bootstrap-utils.R
- chooseSliderSkin.R
- color-pickr.R
- demos.R
- dependencies.R
- deprecated.R
- drop-menu.R
- execute_safely.R
- input-actiongroupbuttons.R
- input-airDatepicker.R
- input-autonumeric.R
- input-awesomecheckbox.R
- input-awesomeradio.R
- input-checkboxgroupbuttons.R
- input-circlebutton.R
- input-colorselector.R
- input-dropdown.R
- input-icon.R
- input-knob.R
- input-materialswitch.R
- input-multi.R
- input-noUiSlider.R
- input-numericRange.R
- input-pretty.R
- input-radiogroupbuttons.R
- input-search.R
- input-selectpicker.R
- input-sliderText.R
- input-spectrum.R
- input-switch.R
- input-textaddon.R
- module-pickerGroup.R
- module-selectizeGroup.R
- module-utils.R
- onLoad.R
- pickerOptions.R
- progressBars.R
- set-background.R
- shinyWidgets.R
- shinyWidgetsGallery.R
- stati-card.R
- sw-dropdown.R
- sweetalert.R
- tree-input.R
- tree-utils.R
- utils.R
- vertical-tab.R
- virtual-select-utils.R
- virtual-select.R
Selected R package: shinyWidgets
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