R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- aggregate.sf()
- bind()
- coerce-methods()
- dbDataType()
- dbWriteTable()
- db_drivers()
- dot-stop_geos()
- extension_map()
- gdal()
- gdal_addo()
- gdal_utils()
- geos_binary_ops()
- geos_binary_pred()
- geos_combine()
- geos_measures()
- geos_query()
- geos_unary()
- interpolate_aw()
- is_driver_available()
- is_driver_can()
- is_geometry_column()
- merge.sf()
- nc()
- Ops()
- plot()
- prefix_map()
- proj_tools()
- rawToHex()
- reexports()
- s2()
- sf-defunct()
- sf-package()
- sf()
- sfc()
- sf_extSoftVersion()
- sf_project()
- sgbp()
- st()
- stars()
- st_agr()
- st_as_binary()
- st_as_grob()
- st_as_sf()
- st_as_sfc()
- st_as_text()
- st_bbox()
- st_break_antimeridian()
- st_cast()
- st_cast_sfc_default()
- st_collection_extract()
- st_coordinates()
- st_crop()
- st_crs()
- st_drivers()
- st_geometry()
- st_geometry_type()
- st_graticule()
- st_is()
- st_is_longlat()
- st_jitter()
- st_join()
- st_layers()
- st_line_sample()
- st_make_grid()
- st_m_range()
- st_nearest_feature()
- st_nearest_points()
- st_normalize()
- st_precision()
- st_read()
- st_relate()
- st_sample()
- st_shift_longitude()
- st_transform()
- st_viewport()
- st_write()
- st_zm()
- st_z_range()
- summary.sfc()
- tibble()
- tidyverse()
- transform.sf()
- valid()
- vctrs()
R Codes
- aggregate.R
- agr.R
- arith.R
- bbox.R
- bind.R
- break_antimeridian.R
- cast_sfc.R
- cast_sfg.R
- collection_extract.R
- crop.R
- crs.R
- datasets.R
- db.R
- defunct.R
- gdal_utils.R
- geom-measures.R
- geom-predicates.R
- geom-transformers.R
- geos-overlayng.R
- graticule.R
- grid.R
- init.R
- jitter.R
- join.R
- make_grid.R
- maps.R
- m_range.R
- nearest.R
- normalize.R
- plot.R
- proj.R
- RcppExports.R
- read.R
- s2.R
- sample.R
- sf-package.R
- sf.R
- sfc.R
- sfg.R
- sgbp.R
- shift_longitude.R
- sp.R
- spatstat.R
- stars.R
- terra.R
- tidyverse-vctrs.R
- tidyverse.R
- transform.R
- valid.R
- wkb.R
- wkt.R
- z_range.R
Selected R package: sf
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