R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- addColor()
- addData()
- addData_gui()
- addDye_gui()
- addMarker()
- addMarker_gui()
- addOrder()
- addSize()
- addSize_gui()
- auditTrail()
- calculateAllele()
- calculateAllele_gui()
- calculateAllT()
- calculateAllT_gui()
- calculateAT()
- calculateAT6()
- calculateAT6_gui()
- calculateAT_gui()
- calculateCapillary()
- calculateCapillary_gui()
- calculateConcordance()
- calculateConcordance_gui()
- calculateCopies()
- calculateCopies_gui()
- calculateDropout()
- calculateDropout_gui()
- calculateHb()
- calculateHb_gui()
- calculateHeight()
- calculateHeight_gui()
- calculateLb()
- calculateLb_gui()
- calculateMixture()
- calculateMixture_gui()
- calculateOL()
- calculateOL_gui()
- calculateOverlap()
- calculateOverlap_gui()
- calculatePeaks()
- calculatePeaks_gui()
- calculatePullup()
- calculatePullup_gui()
- calculateRatio()
- calculateRatio_gui()
- calculateResultType()
- calculateResultType_gui()
- calculateSlope()
- calculateSlope_gui()
- calculateSpike()
- calculateSpike_gui()
- calculateStatistics()
- calculateStatistics_gui()
- calculateStutter()
- calculateStutter_gui()
- calculateT()
- checkDataset()
- checkSubset()
- checkSubset_gui()
- colConvert()
- colNames()
- columns()
- columns_gui()
- combineBinsAndPanels()
- combine_gui()
- cropData_gui()
- detectKit()
- editData_gui()
- export()
- export_gui()
- filterProfile()
- filterProfile_gui()
- generateEPG()
- generateEPG_gui()
- getDb()
- getKit()
- getSetting()
- getStrings()
- ggsave_gui()
- guessProfile()
- guessProfile_gui()
- heightToPeak()
- import()
- import_gui()
- listObjects()
- makeKit_gui()
- maskAT()
- modelDropout_gui()
- plotAT_gui()
- plotBalance_gui()
- plotCapillary_gui()
- plotContamination_gui()
- plotDistribution_gui()
- plotDropout_gui()
- plotEPG2()
- plotEPG2_gui()
- plotGroups_gui()
- plotKit_gui()
- plotPeaks_gui()
- plotPrecision_gui()
- plotPullup_gui()
- plotRatio_gui()
- plotResultType_gui()
- plotSlope_gui()
- plotStutter_gui()
- readBinsFile()
- readPanelsFile()
- ref1()
- ref2()
- ref3()
- ref4()
- ref7()
- ref11()
- ref51()
- ref52()
- ref61()
- ref62()
- removeArtefact()
- removeArtefact_gui()
- removeSpike()
- removeSpike_gui()
- sample_tableToList()
- saveObject()
- scrambleAlleles()
- set1()
- set2()
- set3()
- set4()
- set5()
- set6()
- set7()
- slim()
- slim_gui()
- sortMarker()
- strvalidator-package()
- strvalidator()
- trim()
- trim_gui()
R Codes
Selected R package: strvalidator
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