R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- anova.svyglm()
- api()
- as.fpc()
- as.svrepdesign()
- as.svydesign2()
- barplot.svystat()
- bootweights()
- brrweights()
- calibrate()
- compressWeights()
- confint.svyglm()
- crowd()
- dimnames.DBIsvydesign()
- election()
- estweights()
- fpc()
- ftable.svystat()
- hadamard()
- hospital()
- HR()
- make.calfun()
- marginpred()
- mu284()
- myco()
- nhanes()
- nonresponse()
- oldsvyquantile()
- open.DBIsvydesign()
- paley()
- pchisqsum()
- poisson_sampling()
- postStratify()
- psrsq()
- rake()
- regTermTest()
- salamander()
- scd()
- SE()
- stratsample()
- subset.survey.design()
- surveyoptions()
- surveysummary()
- svrepdesign()
- svrVar()
- svy.varcoef()
- svyby()
- svycdf()
- svychisq()
- svyciprop()
- svycontrast()
- svycoplot()
- svycoxph()
- svyCprod()
- svycralpha()
- svydesign()
- svyfactanal()
- svyglm()
- svygofchisq()
- svyhist()
- svyivreg()
- svykappa()
- svykm()
- svyloglin()
- svylogrank()
- svymle()
- svynls()
- svyolr()
- svyplot()
- svyprcomp()
- svypredmeans()
- svyqqplot()
- svyquantile()
- svyranktest()
- svyratio()
- svyrecvar()
- svyscoretest()
- svysmooth()
- svystandardize()
- svysurvreg()
- svyttest()
- trimWeights()
- twophase()
- update.survey.design()
- weights.survey.design()
- with.svyimputationList()
- withPV.survey.design()
- withReplicates()
- xdesign()
- yrbs()
R Codes
- anova.svyglm.R
- bootstrap.R
- chisqsum.R
- compressweights.R
- confint.R
- count.R
- dAIC.R
- dbiupdate.R
- ftable.svystat.R
- gofchisq.R
- grake.R
- greg.R
- ht.R
- loglin.R
- logrank.R
- margins.R
- mrb.R
- mse.R
- multistage.R
- multivariate.R
- naa.R
- newsvyquantile.R
- olr.R
- paley.R
- pFsum.R
- pps.R
- qrule.R
- recalibrate.R
- regtest.R
- rsquared.R
- score.R
- stdize.R
- stratsample.R
- survey.R
- surveyby.R
- surveychisq.R
- surveygraph.R
- surveyrep.R
- svycdf.R
- svycralpha.R
- svyhist.R
- svyivreg.R
- svykappa.R
- svykm.R
- svymi.R
- svynls.R
- svypredmeans.R
- svyqq.R
- svyquantile.R
- svyranktest.R
- svysmooth.R
- svysurvreg.R
- svyttest.R
- transform.R
- twophase.R
- twophase2.R
- weightconstruction.R
- withPV.R
- xdesign.R
Selected R package: survey
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