R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- all_priors_and_levels_specified()
- any_duplicates()
- attribute_levels()
- attribute_level_balance()
- attribute_names()
- block()
- calculate_a_error()
- calculate_c_error()
- calculate_d_error()
- calculate_efficiency()
- calculate_efficiency_criteria()
- calculate_s_error()
- clean_utility()
- coef.spdesign()
- contains_dummies()
- cor()
- cycle()
- define_base_x_j()
- define_x_j()
- derive_vcov()
- derive_vcov_mnl()
- derive_vcov_rpl()
- digitize()
- dot-onAttach()
- dummy_names()
- evaluate_design_candidate()
- exclude()
- expand_attribute_levels()
- extract_all_names()
- extract_attribute_names()
- extract_distribution()
- extract_level_occurrence()
- extract_named_values()
- extract_param_distribution()
- extract_param_names()
- extract_prior_distribution()
- extract_specified()
- extract_unparsed_values()
- extract_values()
- federov()
- fits_lvl_occurrences()
- full_factorial()
- generate_design()
- generate_rsc_candidate()
- has_bayesian_prior()
- has_random_parameter()
- is_balanced()
- lvl_occurrences()
- make_draws()
- make_mlhs()
- make_pseudo_random()
- make_scrambled_halton()
- make_scrambled_sobol()
- make_standard_halton()
- make_standard_sobol()
- min_lvl_occurrence()
- nlvls()
- normal()
- occurrences()
- prepare_priors()
- print.spdesign()
- print_efficiency_criteria()
- print_initial_header()
- print_iteration_information()
- priors()
- probabilities()
- probabilities_mnl()
- radical_inverse()
- random()
- random_design_candidate()
- reexports()
- relabel()
- remove_all_brackets()
- remove_prior()
- remove_round_brackets()
- remove_square_brackets()
- remove_whitespace()
- rep_cols()
- rep_rows()
- rsc()
- set_default_level_occurrence()
- set_default_options()
- shuffle()
- spdesign-package()
- summary.spdesign()
- swap()
- too_small()
- transform_distribution()
- transform_lognormal()
- transform_normal()
- transform_triangular()
- transform_uniform()
- update_utility()
- utility_formula()
- vcov.spdesign()
R Codes
Selected R package: spdesign
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