R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- anova_stats()
- auto_prior()
- bootstrap()
- boot_ci()
- chisq_gof()
- crosstable_statistics()
- cv()
- cv_error()
- design_effect()
- efc()
- find_beta()
- gmd()
- inequ_trend()
- is_prime()
- means_by_group()
- mean_n()
- mwu()
- nhanes_sample()
- prop()
- r2()
- reexports()
- samplesize_mixed()
- se_ybar()
- svyglm.nb()
- svyglm.zip()
- table_values()
- var_pop()
- weight()
- weighted_sd()
R Codes
- anova_stats.R
- auto_prior.R
- bootstrap.R
- boot_ci.R
- confint_ncg.R
- cramer.R
- cv.R
- cv_error.R
- Deprecated.R
- design_effect.R
- find_beta.R
- gmd.R
- gof.R
- grpmean.R
- helpfunctions.R
- inequ_trends.R
- is_prime.R
- mean_n.R
- mwu.R
- nhanes_sample.R
- phi.R
- prop.R
- re-exports.R
- S3-methods.R
- samplesize_mixed.R
- select_helpers.R
- se_ybar.R
- sjStatistics.R
- svyglmnb.R
- svyglmzip.R
- svy_median.R
- var_pop.R
- weight.R
- wtd_chisqtest.R
- wtd_cor.R
- wtd_mean.R
- wtd_median.R
- wtd_mwu.R
- wtd_sd.R
- wtd_se.R
- wtd_ttest.R
- wtd_variance.R
- xtab_statistics.R
Selected R package: sjstats
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