R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- addCovariates()
- addSightings()
- addTelemetry()
- AIC.secr()
- AICcompatible()
- as.data.frame()
- as.mask()
- as.popn()
- autoini()
- capthist()
- capthistfn()
- chat()
- circular()
- clone()
- closedN()
- closure()
- cluster()
- coef.secr()
- collate()
- confint.secr()
- contour()
- coulombe()
- covariates()
- CV()
- D.designdata()
- DA()
- deermouse()
- deletemaskpoints()
- derivedMS()
- details()
- detectfn()
- detector()
- deviance.secr()
- discretize()
- distancetotrap()
- Dsurface()
- ellipse.secr()
- empirical()
- esaplot()
- esaplotsecr()
- expected.n()
- extractMoves()
- FAQ()
- Fletcher.chat()
- fx.total()
- fxi()
- gridcells()
- hcov()
- head()
- homerange()
- hornedlizard()
- join()
- kfn()
- LLsurface()
- logit()
- logmultinom()
- LRtest()
- make.capthist()
- make.lacework()
- make.mask()
- make.systematic()
- make.traps()
- make.tri()
- makeStart()
- manip()
- mask.check()
- mask()
- modelAverage()
- ms()
- nontarget()
- occasionKey()
- ovenbird()
- ovensong()
- OVpossum()
- par.secr.fit()
- Parallel()
- pdot()
- PG()
- plot.capthist()
- plot.mask()
- plot.popn()
- plot.secr()
- plot.traps()
- plotmaskedge()
- pmixProfileLL()
- pointsInPolygon()
- polyarea()
- popn()
- possum()
- predict.secr()
- predictDsurface()
- print.capthist()
- print.secr()
- print.traps()
- randomHabitat()
- raster2()
- rbind.capthist()
- rbind.popn()
- rbind.traps()
- read.mask()
- read.telemetry()
- read.traps()
- rectangularMask()
- reduce.capthist()
- reduce()
- region.N()
- RMarkInput()
- RSE()
- Rsurface()
- score.test()
- secr-defunct()
- secr-deprecated()
- secr-internal()
- secr-package()
- secr.design.MS()
- secr.fit()
- secr.make.newdata()
- secr.test()
- secrdemo()
- secrRNG()
- secrtest()
- session()
- setNumThreads()
- sharefactorlevels()
- sighting()
- signal()
- signalmatrix()
- sim.capthist()
- sim.popn()
- sim.secr()
- skink()
- smooths()
- snip()
- sort()
- spacing()
- speed()
- stoatDNA()
- strip.legend()
- subset.capthist()
- subset.mask()
- subset.popn()
- subset.traps()
- suggest.buffer()
- summary.capthist()
- summary.mask()
- summary.popn()
- summary.traps()
- timevaryingcov()
- transformations()
- trap.builder()
- traps()
- trapsfn()
- trend()
- trim()
- troubleshooting()
- turnover()
- updateCH()
- usage()
- usagePlot()
- userdist()
- utility()
- vcov.secr()
- verify()
- write()
- writeGPS()
R Codes
- addCovariates.R
- addSightings.R
- addTelemetry.R
- as.data.frame.R
- autoini.R
- chatnk.R
- circular.R
- clone.R
- ClosedN.R
- closure.R
- collate.R
- confint.secr.R
- CV.R
- D.designdata.R
- DA.R
- derivedMS.R
- deviance.R
- discretize.R
- distancetotrap.R
- Dsurface.R
- ellipse.secr.R
- empirical.R
- Enk.R
- esa.plot.R
- esa.R
- extractMoves.R
- fastsecrloglik.R
- Fewstervarn.R
- Fletcher.chat.R
- fxi.R
- generalsecrloglik.R
- gridcells.R
- head.R
- homerange.R
- join2.R
- kfn.R
- LLsurface.secr.R
- loglikhelperfn.R
- logmultinom.R
- LRtest.R
- make.capthist.R
- make.grid.R
- make.mask.R
- make.tri.R
- makeStart.R
- mask.check.R
- methods.R
- model.average.R
- modelAverage.R
- onAttach.R
- onLoad.R
- par.secr.fit.R
- pdot.R
- PG.R
- plot.popn.R
- plot.secr.R
- plot.traps.R
- plotMaskEdge.R
- pmixProfileLL.R
- predict.secr.R
- preparedata.R
- randomHabitat.R
- raster.R
- rbind.capthist.R
- rbind.mask.R
- rbind.popn.R
- rbind.traps.R
- RcppExports.R
- read.mask.R
- read.traps.R
- reduce.R
- regionN.R
- reparameterize.R
- RMarkInput.R
- Rsurface.R
- score.test.R
- secr.design.MS.R
- secr.fit.R
- secr.make.newdata.R
- secr.test.R
- setNumThreads.R
- sim.capthist.R
- sim.popn.R
- sim.secr.R
- snip.R
- split.capthist.R
- split.mask.R
- split.traps.R
- suggest.buffer.R
- summary.capthist.R
- summary.mask.R
- summary.popn.R
- summary.secr.R
- summary.traps.R
- superN.R
- telemetry.R
- trap.builder.R
- trend.R
- usagePlot.R
- utility.R
- verify.R
- write.captures.R
- write.mask.R
- write.traps.R
- writeGPS.R
Selected R package: secr
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