R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- Breaking()
- convert.vector.to.list()
- Data.Election1()
- Data.Election6()
- Data.Election9()
- Data.Nascar()
- Data.NascarTrimmed()
- Data.Test()
- Estimation.GRUM.MLE()
- Estimation.Normal.GMM()
- Estimation.PL.GMM()
- Estimation.PL.MLE()
- Estimation.RUM.MLE()
- Estimation.RUM.MultiType.MLE()
- Estimation.RUM.Nonparametric()
- Estimation.Zemel.MLE()
- Evaluation.AveragePrecision()
- Evaluation.KendallTau()
- Evaluation.KL()
- Evaluation.LocationofWinner()
- Evaluation.MSE()
- Evaluation.NDCG()
- Evaluation.Precision.at.k()
- Evaluation.TVD()
- Expo.MultiType.Pairwise.Prob()
- Generate.NPRUM.Data()
- Generate.RUM.Data()
- Generate.RUM.Parameters()
- Generate.Zemel.Parameters()
- Generate.Zemel.Ranks.Pairs()
- generateC.model.Nonparametric()
- generateC.model()
- generateC()
- KL()
- Likelihood.Nonparametric()
- Likelihood.PL()
- Likelihood.RUM.Multitype()
- Likelihood.RUM()
- Likelihood.Zemel()
- MSE()
- Normal.MultiType.Pairwise.Prob()
- Normal.Pairwise.Prob()
- PL.Pairwise.Prob()
- scores.to.order()
- scramble()
- turn_matrix_into_table()
- TVD()
- Visualization.Empirical()
- Visualization.MultiType()
- Visualization.Pairwise.Probabilities()
- Visualization.RUMplots()
- Zemel.Pairwise.Prob()
R Codes
Selected R package: StatRank
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