R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- adaptive_bw.mc()
- adaptive_bw()
- adaptive_bw_1d()
- adaptive_bw_tnkde.mc()
- adaptive_bw_tnkde()
- adaptive_bw_tnkde_cpp()
- add_center_lines()
- add_vertices_lines()
- aggregate_points()
- bike_accidents()
- build_graph()
- build_graph_directed()
- build_grid()
- build_quadtree()
- bws_tnkde_cv_likelihood_calc.mc()
- bws_tnkde_cv_likelihood_calc()
- bw_checks()
- bw_cvl_calc.mc()
- bw_cvl_calc()
- bw_cv_likelihood_calc.mc()
- bw_cv_likelihood_calc()
- bw_cv_likelihood_calc_tkde()
- bw_tnkde_corr_factor()
- calc_gamma()
- calc_isochrones()
- check_geometries()
- clean_events()
- closest_points()
- continuousfunction()
- continuousWorker()
- continuousWorker_sparse()
- correction_factor()
- correction_factor_time()
- corrfactor_continuous()
- corrfactor_continuous_sparse()
- corrfactor_discontinuous()
- corrfactor_discontinuous_sparse()
- corrfactor_simple()
- cosine_kernel()
- cosine_kernelos()
- cosine_kernel_cpp()
- cross_gfunc_cpp()
- cross_kfunctions.mc()
- cross_kfunctions()
- cross_kfunc_cpp()
- cut_lines_at_distance()
- direct_lines()
- discontinuousfunction()
- discontinuousWorker_int()
- discontinuousWorker_sparse()
- dist_mat_dupl()
- epanechnikov_kernel()
- epanechnikov_kernelos()
- epanechnikov_kernel_cpp()
- esc_kernel_loo_nkde()
- esc_kernel_loo_tnkde()
- esd_kernel_loo_nkde()
- esd_kernel_loo_tnkde()
- ess_kernel()
- ess_kernel_loo_nkde()
- ess_kernel_loo_tnkde()
- gaussian_kernel()
- gaussian_kernelos()
- gaussian_kernel_cpp()
- gaussian_kernel_scaled()
- gaussian_kernel_scaledos()
- gaussian_kernel_scaled_cpp()
- gfunc_cpp()
- gm_mean()
- graph_checking()
- g_nt_func_cpp()
- heal_edges()
- is_projected()
- kfunctions.mc()
- kfunctions()
- kfunc_cpp()
- k_nt_functions.mc()
- k_nt_functions()
- k_nt_func_cpp()
- lines_center()
- lines_coordinates_as_list()
- lines_direction()
- lines_extremities()
- lines_points_along()
- list_coordinates_as_lines()
- lixelize_lines.mc()
- lixelize_lines()
- main_network_mtl()
- mtl_libraries()
- mtl_network()
- mtl_theatres()
- nearestPointOnLine()
- nearestPointOnSegment()
- nearest_lines()
- network_knn.mc()
- network_knn()
- network_knn_worker()
- network_listw.mc()
- network_listw()
- network_listw_worker()
- nkde.mc()
- nkde()
- nkde_get_loo_values()
- nkde_worker()
- nkde_worker_bw_sel()
- plot_graph()
- prepare_data()
- prepare_elements_netlistw()
- quartic_kernel()
- quartic_kernelos()
- quartic_kernel_cpp()
- randomize_distmatrix()
- randomize_distmatrix2()
- remove_loop_lines()
- remove_mirror_edges()
- reverse_lines()
- sanity_check_knn()
- select_dist_function()
- select_kernel()
- simple_lines()
- simple_nkde()
- simple_tnkde()
- simplify_network()
- small_mtl_network()
- snapPointsToLines2()
- spatial_index-cash-new()
- spatial_index-cash-tree_request()
- spatial_index()
- spatial_request()
- split_border()
- split_by_grid.mc()
- split_by_grid()
- split_by_grid_abw.mc()
- split_by_grid_abw()
- split_graph_components()
- split_lines_at_vertex()
- spNetwork-package()
- sp_char_index()
- st_bbox_by_feature()
- st_bbox_geom()
- surrounding_points()
- tkde()
- tnkde.mc()
- tnkde()
- tnkdecontinuousfunction()
- tnkdediscontinuousfunction()
- tnkdediscontinuousfunctionsparse()
- tnkde_get_loo_values()
- tnkde_worker()
- tnkde_worker_bw_sel()
- triangle_kernel()
- triangle_kernelos()
- triangle_kernel_cpp()
- tricube_kernel()
- tricube_kernelos()
- tricube_kernel_cpp()
- trim_lines_at()
- triweight_kernel()
- triweight_kernelos()
- triweight_kernel_cpp()
- uniform_kernel()
- uniform_kernelos()
- uniform_kernel_cpp()
- worker_adaptive_bw_tnkde()
R Codes
- adaptive_simultaneous_tnkde_bw.R
- bandwidth_selection_cvl_sf.R
- bandwidth_selection_cv_sf.R
- bandwidth_selection_cv_tnkde_sf.R
- border_correction_sf.R
- data_doc.R
- export_cpp_classes.R
- geometrical_functions_sf.R
- graph_functions_sf.R
- isochrones_sf.R
- kernel_functions_sf.R
- knn_sf.R
- k_functions_nettime_sf.R
- k_functions_sf.R
- neighbouring_sf.R
- nkde_execution_functions_sf.R
- RcppExports.R
- spatial_indexing_sf.R
- spNetworkCpp.R
- temporal_kde_sf.R
- temporal_nkde_sf.R
Selected R package: spNetwork
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