R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- annulizedHPR()
- computingAbsRI()
- computingBVperShare()
- computingEVdollarVal()
- computingEVmultiple()
- computingGusingGGM()
- computingPB()
- computingPS()
- computingRI()
- computingRwithCAPM()
- computingRwithFFM()
- computingRwithGGM()
- computingRwithHmodel()
- computingSustainableG()
- computingWACC()
- earningYieldEP()
- equityValueConstantG()
- equityValueGivenDebtMV()
- firmValueConstantG()
- firmValueUsingDiscFCFF()
- forwardPEG()
- impliedPEbyYardeniModel()
- justifiedLeadingPE()
- justifiedTrailingPE()
- leadingFY1PE()
- leadingFY2PE()
- leadingPEnext4Qs()
- PEforPassThroughInflation()
- predictedPEbyFEDmodel()
- predictedPEonCSR()
- sharePriceUsingPastPE()
- shareValConstantG()
- shareValThreeStg()
- shareValTwoStage()
- shareValueComputedRI()
- shareValueGGMconstantGrowth()
- shareValueGGMNegativeGrowth()
- shareValueGivenDebtMV()
- shareValueNoCurrentDivdend()
- shareValuePreferredStock()
- shareValueRI()
- shareValueRImultiStageEPS()
- shareValueRImultiStg()
- shareValueRIplusPVTV()
- shareValueROE()
- shareValueUsingDDM1yr()
- shareValueUsingDDMnYrs()
- shareValueUsingDiscFCFE()
- shareValUsingThreeStageDDM()
- shareValUsingTwoStageDDM()
- shareValUsingTwoStageHmodel()
- singleStageR()
- terminalValueUsingPE()
- trailingPEbasicEPS()
- trailingPEdilutedEPS()
R Codes
- 01_shareValueUsingDDM1yr.R
- 02_shareValueUsingDDMnYrs.R
- 03_shareValueDDMconstantGrowth.R
- 04_shareValuePreferredStock.R
- 05_shareValueGGMNegativeGrowth.R
- 06_computingGusingGGM.R
- 07_justifiedLeadingPE.R
- 08_justifiedTrailingPE.R
- 09_computingRwithGGM.R
- 10_shareValUsingTwoStageDDM.R
- 11_shareValUsingThreeStageDDM.R
- 12_shareValUsingTwoStageHmodel.R
- 13_shareValueNoCurrentDivdend.R
- 14_annulizedHPR.R
- 15_firmValueUsingDiscFCFF.R
- 16_equityValueGivenDebtMV.R
- 17_shareValueGivenDebtMV.R
- 18_shareValueUsingDiscFCFE.R
- 19_firmValueConstantG.R
- 20_equityValueConstantG.R
- 21_shareValConstantG.R
- 22_shareValTwoStageFCFE.R
- 23_shareValThreeStageFCFE.R
- 24_shareValueRI.R
- 25_shareValueComputedRI.R
- 26_computingAbsoluteRIfromEBIT.R
- 27_computingRI.R
- 28_shareValueUsingROErate.R
- 29_singleStageRI.R
- 30_shareValueRImultiStageEPS.R
- 31_shareValueRImultiStageROE.R
- 32_shareValueRIplusPVTV.R
- 33_trailingPEbasicEPS.R
- 34_trailingPEdilutedEPS.R
- 35_earningYieldEP.R
- 36_leadingPEnext4Qs.R
- 37_leadingFY1PE.R
- 38_leadingFY2PE.R
- 39_predictedPEonCSR.R
- 40_forwardPEG.R
- 41_predictedPEbyFEDmodel.R
- 42_PEbyYardeniModel.R
- 43_sharePriceUsingPastPE.R
- 44_PEforPassThroughInflation.R
- 45_terminalValueUsingPE.R
- 46_computingBVperShare.R
- 47_computingPB.R
- 48_computingPS.R
- 49_computingEV.R
- 50_computingEVmultiple.R
- 51_computingSustainableG.R
- 52_computingRwithCAPM.R
- 53_computingWACC.R
- 54_computingRwithFFM.R
- 55_computingRwithHmodel.R
Selected R package: stockAnalyst
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