R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- Asym()
- as_adj_matrix()
- as_bn()
- as_parentslist()
- as_sevt()
- barplot.sevt()
- ceg()
- ceg2adjmat()
- check_sevt()
- check_sevt_prob()
- cid()
- compare_stages()
- confint.sevt()
- distance_mat_stages()
- edge()
- expand_prob()
- find_stage()
- full_indep()
- generate_linear_dataset()
- generate_random_dataset()
- generate_xor_dataset()
- get_stage()
- has_ctables()
- has_prob()
- inclusions_stages()
- is_fitted_sevt()
- join_stages()
- join_unobserved()
- logLik.sevt()
- lr_test()
- make_ctables()
- new_label()
- node()
- noisy_xor()
- path_probability()
- PhDArticles()
- plot.ceg()
- plot.sevt()
- Pokemon()
- predict.sevt()
- print.parentslist()
- print.sevt()
- prob()
- probdist()
- rename_stage()
- sample_from()
- search_best()
- search_greedy()
- set_stage()
- sevt()
- sevt_add()
- sevt_df()
- sevt_fit()
- sevt_nvar()
- sevt_varnames()
- simple_clustering()
- split_stage_random()
- stagedtrees()
- stages()
- stages_bhc()
- stages_bhcr()
- stages_bj()
- stages_fbhc()
- stages_hc()
- stages_hclust()
- stages_kmeans()
- stndnaming()
- subtree()
- summary.sevt()
- text.sevt()
- tree_idx()
- uni_idx()
- which_class()
R Codes
Selected R package: stagedtrees
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