R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- addCastePop()
- buildUp()
- calcBeeGRMIbd()
- calcBeeGRMIbs()
- calcColonyValue()
- calcInheritanceCriterion()
- calcPerformanceCriterion()
- calcQueensPHomBrood()
- calcSelectionCriterion()
- collapse()
- Colony-class()
- combine()
- combineBeeGametes()
- combineBeeGametesHaploDiploid()
- combineNULLAndPop()
- createCastePop()
- createColony()
- createDCA()
- createMatingStationDCA()
- createMultiColony()
- createRandomCrossPlan()
- cross()
- downsize()
- downsizePFun()
- editCsdLocus()
- getAa()
- getBv()
- getCaste()
- getCasteId()
- getCastePop()
- getCasteSex()
- getCsdAlleles()
- getCsdGeno()
- getDd()
- getEvents()
- getGv()
- getIbdHaplo()
- getId()
- getLocation()
- getPheno()
- getPooledGeno()
- getQtlGeno()
- getQtlHaplo()
- getQueenAge()
- getQueenYearOfBirth()
- getSegSiteGeno()
- getSegSiteHaplo()
- getSnpGeno()
- getSnpHaplo()
- hasCollapsed()
- hasSplit()
- hasSuperseded()
- hasSwarmed()
- isCaste()
- isCsdActive()
- isCsdHeterozygous()
- isDronesPresent()
- isEmpty()
- isFathersPresent()
- isGenoHeterozygous()
- isNULLColonies()
- isProductive()
- isQueenPresent()
- isSimParamBee()
- isVirginQueensPresent()
- isWorkersPresent()
- mapCasteToColonyValue()
- MultiColony-class()
- nCaste()
- nColonies()
- nCsdAlleles()
- nDronesFun()
- nFathersFun()
- nVirginQueensFun()
- nWorkersFun()
- pullCastePop()
- pullColonies()
- pullDroneGroupsFromDCA()
- pullInd()
- reduceDroneGeno()
- reduceDroneHaplo()
- removeCastePop()
- removeColonies()
- replaceCastePop()
- reQueen()
- resetEvents()
- selectColonies()
- setLocation()
- setQueensYearOfBirth()
- SimParamBee()
- SIMplyBee-package()
- simulateHoneyBeeGenomes()
- split()
- splitPFun()
- supersede()
- swarm()
- swarmPFun()
R Codes
Selected R package: SIMplyBee
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