R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- as.data.frame()
- cuts_to_spans()
- data.frame()
- de_sequenize()
- drop_non_group_matches()
- dummy_func()
- get_groups()
- grapes-.-grapes()
- grapes-..-grapes()
- invert_spans()
- plot.character()
- regmatches2()
- sequenize()
- stringb_arrange()
- test_file()
- text_c()
- text_collapse()
- text_count()
- text_delete()
- text_detect()
- text_eval()
- text_extract()
- text_extract_all()
- text_extract_group()
- text_extract_group_all()
- text_filter()
- text_length()
- text_locate()
- text_locate_all()
- text_locate_all_worker()
- text_locate_group()
- text_locate_worker()
- text_nchar()
- text_pad()
- text_read()
- text_rep()
- text_replace()
- text_replace_all()
- text_replace_group()
- text_replace_locates()
- text_show()
- text_snippet()
- text_split()
- text_split_n()
- text_sub()
- text_subset()
- text_tokenize()
- text_tokenize_lines()
- text_tokenize_sentences()
- text_tokenize_words()
- text_to_lower()
- text_to_title_case()
- text_to_upper()
- text_trim()
- text_which()
- text_which_value()
- text_wrap()
- text_write()
R Codes
- character_plot.R
- text_c.R
- text_collapse.R
- text_count.R
- text_detect.R
- text_dup.R
- text_eval.R
- text_extract.R
- text_extract_all.R
- text_extract_group.R
- text_length.R
- text_locate.R
- text_locate_group.R
- text_pad.R
- text_read.R
- text_replace.R
- text_replace_group.R
- text_show.R
- text_snippet.R
- text_split.R
- text_sub.R
- text_tokenize.R
- text_to_lower.R
- text_trim.R
- text_which.R
- text_wrap.R
- text_write.R
- tools.R
- zzz.R
Selected R package: stringb
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