R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- Add_CellBender_Diff()
- Add_Cell_Complexity_LIGER()
- Add_Cell_Complexity_Seurat()
- Add_Cell_QC_Metrics()
- Add_Mito_Ribo_LIGER()
- Add_Mito_Ribo_Seurat()
- Add_Pct_Diff()
- Add_Sample_Meta()
- Add_Top_Gene_Pct_Seurat()
- Barcode_Plot()
- Blank_Theme()
- Case_Check()
- CellBender_Diff_Plot()
- CellBender_Feature_Diff()
- Cell_Highlight_Plot()
- Change_Delim_All()
- Change_Delim_Prefix()
- Change_Delim_Suffix()
- CheckMatrix_scCustom()
- Clustered_DotPlot()
- Cluster_Highlight_Plot()
- Cluster_Stats_All_Samples()
- ColorBlind_Pal()
- Copy_From_GCP()
- Copy_To_GCP()
- Create_10X_H5()
- Create_CellBender_Merged_Seurat()
- Create_Cluster_Annotation_File()
- Dark2_Pal()
- DimPlot_All_Samples()
- DimPlot_LIGER()
- DimPlot_scCustom()
- DiscretePalette_scCustomize()
- DotPlot_scCustom()
- ensembl_mito_id()
- ensembl_ribo_id()
- Extract_Modality()
- Extract_Sample_Meta()
- Extract_Top_Markers()
- FeaturePlot_DualAssay()
- FeaturePlot_scCustom()
- FeatureScatter_scCustom()
- Fetch_Meta()
- Gene_Present()
- Hue_Pal()
- ieg_gene_list()
- Iterate_Barcode_Rank_Plot()
- Iterate_Cluster_Highlight_Plot()
- Iterate_DimPlot_bySample()
- Iterate_FeaturePlot_scCustom()
- Iterate_Meta_Highlight_Plot()
- Iterate_PC_Loading_Plots()
- Iterate_Plot_Density_Custom()
- Iterate_Plot_Density_Joint()
- Iterate_VlnPlot_scCustom()
- JCO_Four()
- Liger_to_Seurat()
- MAD_Stats()
- Median_Stats()
- Merge_Seurat_List()
- Merge_Sparse_Data_All()
- Merge_Sparse_Multimodal_All()
- Meta_Highlight_Plot()
- Meta_Numeric()
- Meta_Present()
- Meta_Present_LIGER()
- Meta_Remove_Seurat()
- Move_Legend()
- msigdb_qc_gene_list()
- NavyAndOrange()
- PalettePlot()
- PC_Plotting()
- Percent_Expressing()
- plotFactors_scCustom()
- Plot_Cells_per_Sample()
- Plot_Density_Custom()
- Plot_Density_Joint_Only()
- Plot_Median_Genes()
- Plot_Median_Mito()
- Plot_Median_Other()
- Plot_Median_UMIs()
- Pull_Cluster_Annotation()
- Pull_Directory_List()
- QC_Histogram()
- QC_Plots_Combined_Vln()
- QC_Plots_Complexity()
- QC_Plots_Feature()
- QC_Plots_Genes()
- QC_Plots_Mito()
- QC_Plots_UMIs()
- QC_Plot_GenevsFeature()
- QC_Plot_UMIvsFeature()
- QC_Plot_UMIvsGene()
- Read10X_GEO()
- Read10X_h5_GEO()
- Read10X_h5_Multi_Directory()
- Read10X_Multi_Directory()
- Read_CellBender_h5_Mat()
- Read_CellBender_h5_Multi_Directory()
- Read_CellBender_h5_Multi_File()
- Read_GEO_Delim()
- Read_Metrics_10X()
- Reduction_Loading_Present()
- Rename_Clusters()
- Replace_Suffix()
- scCustomize-package()
- scCustomize_Palette()
- Seq_QC_Plot_Alignment_Combined()
- Seq_QC_Plot_Antisense()
- Seq_QC_Plot_Basic_Combined()
- Seq_QC_Plot_Exonic()
- Seq_QC_Plot_Genes()
- Seq_QC_Plot_Genome()
- Seq_QC_Plot_Intergenic()
- Seq_QC_Plot_Intronic()
- Seq_QC_Plot_Number_Cells()
- Seq_QC_Plot_Reads_in_Cells()
- Seq_QC_Plot_Reads_per_Cell()
- Seq_QC_Plot_Saturation()
- Seq_QC_Plot_Total_Genes()
- Seq_QC_Plot_Transcriptome()
- Seq_QC_Plot_UMIs()
- Setup_scRNAseq_Project()
- Single_Color_Palette()
- Split_FeatureScatter()
- Stacked_VlnPlot()
- Store_Misc_Info_Seurat()
- Store_Palette_Seurat()
- theme_ggprism_mod()
- Top_Genes_Factor()
- UnRotate_X()
- VariableFeaturePlot_scCustom()
- Variable_Features_ALL_LIGER()
- viridis_shortcut()
- VlnPlot_scCustom()
R Codes
Selected R package: scCustomize
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