R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- aggregate.nb()
- airdist()
- autocov_dist()
- bhicv()
- card()
- cell2nb()
- choynowski()
- columbus()
- compon()
- diffnb()
- dnearneigh()
- droplinks()
- EBest()
- EBImoran.mc()
- EBlocal()
- edit.nb()
- eire()
- geary.mc()
- geary()
- geary.test()
- globalG.test()
- graphneigh()
- grid2nb()
- hotspotmap()
- include.self()
- joincount.mc()
- joincount.multi()
- joincount.test()
- knearneigh()
- knn2nb()
- lag.listw()
- lee.mc()
- lee()
- lee.test()
- listw2sn()
- lm.LMtests()
- lm.morantest.exact()
- lm.morantest()
- lm.morantest.sad()
- localC()
- localG()
- localmoran.exact()
- localmoran()
- localmoran.sad()
- localmoran_bv()
- local_joincount_bv()
- local_joincount_uni()
- LOSH.cs()
- LOSH.mc()
- LOSH()
- mat2listw()
- moran.mc()
- moran()
- moran.plot()
- moran.test()
- moran_bv()
- mstree()
- nb2blocknb()
- nb2INLA()
- nb2lines()
- nb2listw()
- nb2listwdist()
- nb2mat()
- nb2WB()
- nbcosts()
- nbdists()
- nblag()
- nboperations()
- p.adjustSP()
- plot.mst()
- plot.nb()
- plot.skater()
- poly2nb()
- probmap()
- prunecost()
- prunemst()
- read.gal()
- read.gwt2nb()
- rotation()
- set.mcOption()
- set.spChkOption()
- skater()
- sp.correlogram()
- sp.mantel.mc()
- spdep-defunct()
- spdep()
- spweights.constants()
- ssw()
- subset.listw()
- subset.nb()
- summary.nb()
- testnb()
- tolerance.nb()
- tri2nb()
- write.nb.gal()
R Codes
- airdist.R
- autocov.R
- card.R
- cellneighbours.R
- choynowski.R
- components.R
- cyclical.R
- diffnb.R
- dnearneigh.R
- droplinks.R
- edit.nb.R
- gabrielneigh.R
- geary.R
- globalG.R
- graph2nb.R
- grid2nb.R
- hotspotmap.R
- jc.R
- knearneigh.R
- knn2nb.R
- lee.mc.R
- lee.R
- lee.test.R
- lee_internal.R
- lisa_perm.R
- listw2sn.R
- lm.LMtests.R
- lm.morantest.R
- local-joincount-bivariate.R
- local-joincount-univariate.R
- local-moran-bv.R
- localC.R
- localG.R
- localmoran.exact.R
- localmoran.R
- LOSH.cs.R
- LOSH.mc.R
- moran-bv.R
- moran.exact.alt.R
- moran.exact.R
- moran.plot.R
- moran.R
- mstree.R
- mtlocalmoran.R
- mtmoran.R
- nb2blocknb.R
- nb2lines.R
- nb2listw.R
- nb2listwdist.R
- nb2mat.R
- nbcosts.R
- nbdists.R
- nblag.R
- nboperations.R
- p.adjustSP.R
- plot.mst.R
- plot.nb.R
- plot.skater.R
- poly2nb.R
- prunecost.R
- prunemst.R
- read.gal.R
- read.gwt2nb.R
- relneigh.R
- rotation.R
- skater.R
- soi.R
- sp.correlogram.R
- sp.mantel.R
- spChkOption.R
- subset.nb.R
- summary.nb.R
- tolerance.nb.R
- tri2nb.R
- utils-cond-permute.R
- utils.R
- weights-utils.R
Selected R package: spdep
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