R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- as_bootstrap_design()
- as_data_frame_with_weights()
- as_fays_gen_rep_design()
- as_gen_boot_design()
- as_random_group_jackknife_design()
- calibrate_to_estimate()
- calibrate_to_sample()
- compress_design()
- distribute_matrix_across_clusters()
- estimate_boot_reps_for_target_cv()
- estimate_boot_sim_cv()
- getvars()
- get_design_quad_form()
- get_nearest_psd_matrix()
- ht_matrix_to_joint_probs()
- is_psd_matrix()
- libraries()
- lou_pums_microdata()
- lou_vax_survey()
- lou_vax_survey_control_totals()
- make_deville_tille_matrix()
- make_fays_gen_rep_factors()
- make_gen_boot_factors()
- make_ppswor_approx_matrix()
- make_quad_form_matrix()
- make_rwyb_bootstrap_weights()
- make_sd_matrix()
- make_srswor_matrix()
- make_twophase_quad_form()
- redistribute_weights()
- rescale_reps()
- shift_weight()
- stack_replicate_designs()
- summarize_rep_weights()
- svrep-package()
- svyby_repwts()
- variance-estimators()
- wls_hat_matrix()
R Codes
- as_bootstrap_design.R
- as_data_frame_with_weights.R
- as_jackknife_design.R
- bootstrap_helpers.R
- calibrate_to_estimate.R
- calibrate_to_sample.R
- database-helpers.R
- fays_generalized_replication.R
- generalized_bootstrap.R
- libraries_data.R
- lou_vax_data.R
- make_bootstrap_weights.R
- quadratic_forms.R
- quadratic_forms_of_survey_design_objects.R
- redistribute_weights.R
- stack_replicate_designs.R
- summarize_rep_weights.R
- svrep-package.R
- svyby_repwts.R
- variance-estimators.R
Selected R package: svrep
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