R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- add_h_arrow()
- add_labels()
- bp()
- centromeres.hg19()
- centromeres.hg38()
- centromeres.mm9()
- centromeres.mm10()
- centromeres.T2T()
- chromsize.hg19()
- chromsize.hg38()
- chromsize.mm9()
- chromsize.mm10()
- chromsize.T2T()
- CN.features()
- CopyNumber-class()
- cosine()
- cytobands.hg19()
- cytobands.hg38()
- cytobands.mm9()
- cytobands.mm10()
- cytobands.T2T()
- enrich_component_strand_bias()
- get_adj_p()
- get_Aneuploidy_score()
- get_bayesian_result()
- get_cn_freq_table()
- get_cn_ploidy()
- get_genome_annotation()
- get_groups()
- get_group_comparison()
- get_intersect_size()
- get_pLOH_score()
- get_shannon_diversity_index()
- get_sig_cancer_type_index()
- get_sig_db()
- get_sig_exposure()
- get_sig_feature_association()
- get_sig_rec_similarity()
- get_sig_similarity()
- get_tidy_association()
- group_enrichment()
- group_enrichment2()
- handle_hyper_mutation()
- hello()
- MAF-class()
- output_bootstrap()
- output_fit()
- output_sig()
- output_tally()
- pipe()
- read_copynumber()
- read_copynumber_ascat()
- read_copynumber_seqz()
- read_maf()
- read_sv_as_rs()
- read_vcf()
- read_xena_variants()
- report_bootstrap_p_value()
- same_size_clustering()
- scoring()
- show_catalogue()
- show_cn_circos()
- show_cn_components()
- show_cn_distribution()
- show_cn_features()
- show_cn_freq_circos()
- show_cn_group_profile()
- show_cn_profile()
- show_cor()
- show_cosmic()
- show_cosmic_sig_profile()
- show_groups()
- show_group_comparison()
- show_group_distribution()
- show_group_enrichment()
- show_group_mapping()
- show_sig_bootstrap()
- show_sig_consensusmap()
- show_sig_exposure()
- show_sig_feature_corrplot()
- show_sig_fit()
- show_sig_profile()
- show_sig_profile_heatmap()
- show_sig_profile_loop()
- sigminer-package()
- sigprofiler()
- sig_auto_extract()
- sig_convert()
- sig_estimate()
- sig_extract()
- sig_fit()
- sig_fit_bootstrap()
- sig_fit_bootstrap_batch()
- sig_operation()
- sig_tally()
- sig_unify_extract()
- simulated_catalogs()
- simulation()
- subset.CopyNumber()
- tidyeval()
- transcript.hg19()
- transcript.hg38()
- transcript.mm9()
- transcript.mm10()
- transcript.T2T()
- transform_seg_table()
- use_color_style()
R Codes
- add_h_arrow.R
- add_labels.R
- assert.R
- bayesianNMF.R
- best_practice.R
- best_practice_helper.R
- class.R
- CN-mutex-classification-method.R
- cosine.R
- data.R
- enrich_component_strand_bias.R
- find_enriched_signature.R
- generate_matrices.R
- get.R
- get_adj_p.R
- get_Aneuploidy_score.R
- get_bayesian_result.R
- get_cn_freq_table.R
- get_cn_ploidy.R
- get_genome_annotation.R
- get_groups.R
- get_group_comparison.R
- get_intersect_size.R
- get_pLOH_score.R
- get_reconstructed_similarity.R
- get_shannon_diversity_index.R
- get_sig_cancer_type_index.R
- get_sig_db.R
- get_sig_exposure.R
- get_sig_feature_association.R
- get_sig_optimal_exposure.R
- get_sig_similarity.R
- get_sv.R
- get_tidy_association.R
- globalVariables.R
- group_enrichment.R
- handle_hyper_mutation.R
- hello.R
- helper_create_chunks.R
- helper_create_colormap.R
- helper_derive_cn_features.R
- helper_join_segments.R
- helper_normalize_by_feature.R
- helper_scale_nmf_matrix.R
- helper_sort_signature.R
- output.R
- RcppExports.R
- read_copynumber.R
- read_copynumber_ascat.R
- read_copynumber_seqz.R
- read_maf.R
- read_vcf.R
- same_size_clustering.R
- scoring.R
- show_catalogue.R
- show_cn_circos.R
- show_cn_components.R
- show_cn_distribution.R
- show_cn_features.R
- show_cn_freq_circos.R
- show_cn_group_profile.R
- show_cn_profile.R
- show_cor.R
- show_cosmic_signature.R
- show_cosmic_signature_profile.R
- show_groups.R
- show_group_comparison.R
- show_group_distribution.R
- show_group_enrichment.R
- show_group_mapping.R
- show_sig_bootstrap.R
- show_sig_consensusmap.R
- show_sig_exposure.R
- show_sig_feature_corrplot.R
- show_sig_fit.R
- show_sig_profile.R
- show_sig_profile_heatmap.R
- show_sig_profile_loop.R
- sigflow.R
- sigminer.R
- signature_obj_operation.R
- sigprofiler.R
- sig_auto_extract.R
- sig_convert.R
- sig_estimate.R
- sig_extract.R
- sig_fit.R
- sig_fit_bootstrap.R
- sig_fit_bootstrap_batch.R
- sig_tally.R
- sig_unify_extract.R
- simulation.R
- transform_seg_table.R
- utils-pipe.R
- utils-tidy-eval.R
- utils.R
- utils_mem.R
- zzz.R
Selected R package: sigminer
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