R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- AccordPrice()
- AHCAvote2017()
- Airlines()
- Alfalfa()
- AlitoConfirmation()
- Amyloid()
- AppleStock()
- ArcheryData()
- AthleteGrad()
- AudioVisual()
- AutoPollution()
- Backpack()
- BaseballTimes()
- BaseballTimes2017()
- BeeStings()
- BirdCalcium()
- BirdNest()
- Blood1()
- BlueJays()
- BrainpH()
- BreesPass()
- BritishUnions()
- ButterfliesBc()
- CAFE()
- CalciumBP()
- CanadianDrugs()
- CancerSurvival()
- Caterpillars()
- CavsShooting()
- Cereal()
- ChemoTHC()
- ChildSpeaks()
- ClintonSanders()
- Clothing()
- CloudSeeding()
- CloudSeeding2()
- CO2()
- CO2Germany()
- CO2Hawaii()
- CO2SouthPole()
- Contraceptives()
- cooksplot()
- CountyHealth()
- CrabShip()
- CrackerFiber()
- CreditRisk()
- Cuckoo()
- Day1Survey()
- DiabeticDogs()
- Diamonds()
- Diamonds2()
- Dinosaurs()
- Election08()
- Election16()
- ElephantsFB()
- ElephantsMF()
- emplogitplot1()
- emplogitplot2()
- Ethanol()
- Eyes()
- Faces()
- FaithfulFaces()
- FantasyBaseball()
- FatRats()
- Fertility()
- FGByDistance()
- Film()
- FinalFourIzzo()
- FinalFourIzzo17()
- FinalFourLong()
- FinalFourLong17()
- FinalFourShort()
- FinalFourShort17()
- Fingers()
- FirstYearGPA()
- FishEggs()
- Fitch()
- FlightResponse()
- FloridaDP()
- Fluorescence()
- FranticFingers()
- FruitFlies()
- FruitFlies2()
- FunnelDrop()
- GlowWorms()
- Goldenrod()
- GrinnellHouses()
- Grocery()
- Gunnels()
- Handwriting()
- Hawks()
- HawkTail()
- HawkTail2()
- HearingTest()
- HeatingOil()
- HighPeaks()
- Hoops()
- HorsePrices()
- Houses()
- HousesNY()
- ICU()
- InfantMortality2010()
- Inflation()
- InsuranceVote()
- IQGuessing()
- Jurors()
- Kershaw()
- KeyWestWater()
- Kids198()
- Leafhoppers()
- LeafWidth()
- Leukemia()
- LeveeFailures()
- LewyBody2Groups()
- LewyDLBad()
- LongJumpOlympics()
- LongJumpOlympics2016()
- LosingSleep()
- LostLetter()
- Marathon()
- Markets()
- MathEnrollment()
- MathPlacement()
- MedGPA()
- Meniscus()
- MentalHealth()
- MetabolicRate()
- MetroCommutes()
- MetroHealth83()
- Migraines()
- Milgram()
- MLB2007Standings()
- MLBStandings2016()
- MothEggs()
- MouseBrain()
- MusicTime()
- NCbirths()
- NFL2007Standings()
- NFLStandings2016()
- Nursing()
- OilDeapsorbtion()
- Olives()
- Orings()
- Overdrawn()
- Oysters()
- PalmBeach()
- PeaceBridge2003()
- PeaceBridge2012()
- Pedometer()
- Perch()
- PigFeed()
- Pines()
- PKU()
- Political()
- Pollster08()
- Popcorn()
- PorscheJaguar()
- PorschePrice()
- Pulse()
- Putts1()
- Putts2()
- Putts3()
- RacialAnimus()
- RadioactiveTwins()
- RailsTrails()
- Rectangles()
- ReligionGDP()
- RepeatedPulse()
- ResidualOil()
- Retirement()
- Ricci()
- RiverElements()
- RiverIron()
- SampleFG()
- SandwichAnts()
- SeaIce()
- SeaSlugs()
- SleepingShrews()
- sluacf()
- Sparrows()
- SpeciesArea()
- Speed()
- Stat2Data-package()
- SugarEthanol()
- SuicideChina()
- Swahili()
- Tadpoles()
- TechStocks()
- TeenPregnancy()
- TextPrices()
- ThomasConfirmation()
- ThreeCars()
- ThreeCars2017()
- TipJoke()
- Titanic()
- TMS()
- TomlinsonRush()
- TukeyNonaddPlot()
- TwinsLungs()
- Undoing()
- USstamps()
- VisualVerbal()
- Volts()
- WalkingBabies()
- WalkTheDogs()
- WeightLossIncentive()
- WeightLossIncentive4()
- WeightLossIncentive7()
- Whickham2()
- WordMemory()
- WordsWithFriends()
- Wrinkle()
- YouthRisk()
- YouthRisk2007()
- YouthRisk2009()
- Zimmerman()
R Codes
Selected R package: Stat2Data
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