R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- add()
- add_bold()
- add_dref_to_list()
- add_eref_to_list()
- add_oref_to_list()
- aggregate_evals()
- Aggregator-class()
- as.data.frame.Evals()
- as.data.frame.listofEvals()
- as.data.frame.listofModels()
- as.data.frame.Model()
- cash-Model-method()
- catsim()
- Component()
- create()
- describe()
- do_in_parallel()
- Draws-class()
- draws()
- DrawsRef-class()
- Evals-class()
- evals()
- EvalsRef-class()
- evaluate()
- evaluate_internal()
- evaluate_single()
- ExtendedMethod-class()
- generate_model()
- get_contents()
- get_files_not_in_simulations()
- get_model_indices()
- get_relative_path()
- get_simulation_with_all_files()
- ggplot_eval()
- grapes-greater-than-grapes()
- load-DrawsRef-method()
- load-EvalsRef-method()
- load-list-method()
- load-ModelRef-method()
- load-OutputRef-method()
- load_draws()
- load_evals()
- load_libraries_on_cluster()
- load_model()
- load_outputs()
- load_simulation()
- make_my_example_model()
- memory_as_string()
- Method-class()
- MethodExtension-class()
- Metric-class()
- Model-class()
- model()
- ModelRef-class()
- models_as_data.frame()
- model_names()
- my_example_loss()
- my_example_method()
- new_aggregator()
- new_extended_method()
- new_method()
- new_method_extension()
- new_metric()
- new_model()
- new_simulation()
- Output-class()
- output()
- OutputRef-class()
- outputs_or_evals()
- plot_eval()
- plot_evals()
- plot_eval_by()
- plus-ExtendedMethod-MethodExtension-method()
- plus-list-MethodExtension-method()
- plus-Method-MethodExtension-method()
- recycle()
- relabel()
- rename()
- run_extendedmethod_single()
- run_extmethod_parallel()
- run_method()
- run_method_parallel()
- run_method_single()
- save_simulation()
- simulate_from_model()
- simulate_from_model_single()
- simulate_parallel()
- Simulation()
- subset_evals()
- subset_models()
- subset_simulation()
- tabulate_eval()
R Codes
- add-to-simulation.R
- aggregator-class.R
- component-class.R
- create.R
- draws-class.R
- draws.R
- evals-class.R
- evaluate.R
- examples.R
- extended-method-class.R
- get-from-simulation.R
- import_from.R
- load.R
- manage.R
- method-class.R
- method-extension-class.R
- methods.R
- metric-class.R
- model-class.R
- models.R
- output-class.R
- parallel-draws.R
- parallel-methods.R
- parallel.R
- plot_eval.R
- plot_evals.R
- plot_eval_by.R
- reference-classes.R
- simulation-class.R
- tables.R
- utils.R
- zzz.R
Selected R package: simulator
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