R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- AccessiblePeaks()
- AddChromatinModule()
- AddMotifs()
- AggregateTiles()
- AlleleFreq()
- Annotation()
- AnnotationPlot()
- as.ChromatinAssay()
- atac_small()
- AverageCounts()
- BigwigTrack()
- BinarizeCounts()
- blacklist_ce10()
- blacklist_ce11()
- blacklist_dm3()
- blacklist_dm6()
- blacklist_hg19()
- blacklist_hg38()
- blacklist_hg38_unified()
- blacklist_mm10()
- CallPeaks()
- Cells-set()
- Cells()
- CellsPerGroup()
- ChromatinAssay-class()
- ClosestFeature()
- ClusterClonotypes()
- CombineTracks()
- ConnectionsToLinks()
- ConvertMotifID()
- CountFragments()
- CountsInRegion()
- coverage-ChromatinAssay-method()
- CoverageBrowser()
- CoveragePlot()
- CreateChromatinAssay()
- CreateFragmentObject()
- CreateMotifMatrix()
- CreateMotifObject()
- DepthCor()
- DownsampleFeatures()
- ExpressionPlot()
- Extend()
- FeatureMatrix()
- FilterCells()
- FindClonotypes()
- FindMotifs()
- findOverlaps-methods()
- FindTopFeatures()
- Footprint()
- FractionCountsInRegion()
- Fragment-class()
- FragmentHistogram()
- Fragments()
- FRiP()
- GeneActivity()
- GenomeBinMatrix()
- GetCellsInRegion()
- GetFootprintData()
- GetFragmentData()
- GetGRangesFromEnsDb()
- GetIntersectingFeatures()
- GetLinkedGenes()
- GetLinkedPeaks()
- GetMotifData()
- GetTSSPositions()
- granges-methods()
- GRangesToString()
- head.Fragment()
- IdentifyVariants()
- InsertionBias()
- inter-range-methods()
- IntersectMatrix()
- Jaccard()
- LinkPeaks()
- LinkPlot()
- Links()
- LookupGeneCoords()
- MatchRegionStats()
- Motif-class()
- MotifCounts()
- MotifPlot()
- Motifs()
- nearest-methods()
- NucleosomeSignal()
- PeakPlot()
- PlotFootprint()
- ReadMGATK()
- reexports()
- RegionHeatmap()
- RegionMatrix()
- RegionPlot()
- RegionStats()
- RunChromVAR()
- RunSVD()
- RunTFIDF()
- seqinfo-methods()
- SetMotifData()
- Signac-package()
- SplitFragments()
- StringToGRanges()
- subset.Fragment()
- subset.Motif()
- SubsetMatrix()
- theme_browser()
- TilePlot()
- TSSEnrichment()
- TSSPlot()
- UnifyPeaks()
- UpdatePath()
- ValidateCells()
- ValidateFragments()
- ValidateHash()
- VariantPlot()
R Codes
Selected R package: Signac
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