R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- add.isolates()
- bbnam.bf()
- bbnam()
- betweenness()
- bicomponent.dist()
- blockmodel.expand()
- blockmodel()
- bn()
- bonpow()
- brokerage()
- centralgraph()
- centralization()
- clique.census()
- closeness()
- coleman()
- component.dist()
- component.size.byvertex()
- components()
- connectedness()
- consensus()
- cug.test()
- cugtest()
- cutpoints()
- degree()
- diag.remove()
- dyad.census()
- efficiency()
- ego.extract()
- equiv.clust()
- eval.edgeperturbation()
- evcent()
- event2dichot()
- flowbet()
- gapply()
- gclust.boxstats()
- gclust.centralgraph()
- gcor()
- gcov()
- gden()
- gdist.plotdiff()
- gdist.plotstats()
- geodist()
- gilschmidt()
- gliop()
- gplot.arrow()
- gplot.layout()
- gplot.loop()
- gplot()
- gplot.target()
- gplot.vertex()
- gplot3d.arrow()
- gplot3d.layout()
- gplot3d.loop()
- gplot3d()
- graphcent()
- grecip()
- gscor()
- gscov()
- gt()
- gtrans()
- gvectorize()
- hdist()
- hierarchy()
- infocent()
- interval.graph()
- is.connected()
- is.isolate()
- isolates()
- kcores()
- lab.optimize()
- lnam()
- loadcent()
- lower.tri.remove()
- lubness()
- make.stochastic()
- maxflow()
- mutuality()
- nacf()
- neighborhood()
- netcancor()
- netlm()
- netlogit()
- npostpred()
- nties()
- numperm()
- path.census()
- plot.bbnam()
- plot.blockmodel()
- plot.cugtest()
- plot.equiv.clust()
- plot.lnam()
- plot.qaptest()
- plot.sociomatrix()
- potscalered.mcmc()
- prestige()
- print.bayes.factor()
- print.bbnam()
- print.blockmodel()
- print.cugtest()
- print.lnam()
- print.netcancor()
- print.netlm()
- print.netlogit()
- print.qaptest()
- print.summary.bayes.factor()
- print.summary.bbnam()
- print.summary.blockmodel()
- print.summary.cugtest()
- print.summary.lnam()
- print.summary.netcancor()
- print.summary.netlm()
- print.summary.netlogit()
- print.summary.qaptest()
- pstar()
- qaptest()
- reachability()
- read.dot()
- read.nos()
- redist()
- rgbn()
- rgnm()
- rgnmix()
- rgraph()
- rguman()
- rgws()
- rmperm()
- rperm()
- sdmat()
- sedist()
- simmelian()
- sna-coercion()
- sna-defunct()
- sna-deprecated()
- sna-internal()
- sna()
- sna.operators()
- sr2css()
- stackcount()
- stresscent()
- structdist()
- structure.statistics()
- summary.bayes.factor()
- summary.bbnam()
- summary.blockmodel()
- summary.cugtest()
- summary.lnam()
- summary.netcancor()
- summary.netlm()
- summary.netlogit()
- summary.qaptest()
- symmetrize()
- triad.census()
- triad.classify()
- upper.tri.remove()
- write.dl()
- write.nos()
R Codes
Selected R package: sna
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