R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- ambig.cases()
- BCMV()
- cluster()
- cluster.plot()
- EMMF()
- esa()
- FakeCS()
- FakeMV()
- FSR()
- indirectCalibration()
- intersectExp()
- JOBF()
- KAF()
- LIPC()
- LIPF()
- LIPR()
- LR.intersect()
- negateExp()
- PAYF()
- PAYR()
- PENF()
- pimdata()
- pimplot()
- property.cube()
- QCAfit()
- QCAradar()
- rob.calibrange()
- rob.cases()
- rob.corefit()
- rob.fit()
- rob.inclrange()
- rob.ncutrange()
- rob.singletest()
- rob.xyplot()
- SAMF()
- SC()
- SCHF()
- SDC()
- SetMethods-package()
- skew.check()
- smmr()
- stargazerSol()
- stargazerTT()
- STUF()
- STUR()
- theory.evaluation()
- THOF()
- VISC()
- VISF()
- xy.plot()
R Codes
- ambig.cases.R
- cluster.plot.R
- cluster.R
- esa.R
- helper_case_smmr.R
- helper_cluster.R
- helper_match_smmr.R
- helper_rob.R
- helper_theory_eval.R
- indirectCalibration.R
- intersectExp.R
- LR.intersect.R
- negateExp.R
- pimdata.R
- pimplot.R
- print_funs.R
- property.cube.R
- QCAfit.R
- QCAradar.R
- rob.calibrange.R
- rob.cases.R
- rob.corefit.R
- rob.fit.R
- rob.inclrange.R
- rob.ncutrange.R
- rob.singletest.R
- rob.xyplot.R
- skew.check.R
- smmr.R
- stargazerSol.R
- stargazerTT.R
- theory.evaluation.R
- xy.plot.R
- zzz.R
Selected R package: SetMethods
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