R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- AddMetaData()
- aggregate()
- Angles()
- as.Centroids()
- as.Graph()
- as.Neighbor()
- as.Seurat()
- as.sparse()
- Assay-class()
- Assay-methods()
- AssayData()
- AttachDeps()
- Boundaries()
- Cells()
- CellsByIdentities()
- CellsByImage()
- Centroids-class()
- Centroids-methods()
- CheckDots()
- CheckGC()
- CheckMatrix()
- Command()
- CreateAssayObject()
- CreateCentroids()
- CreateDimReducObject()
- CreateFOV()
- CreateMolecules()
- CreateSegmentation()
- CreateSeuratObject()
- Crop()
- DefaultAssay()
- DefaultDimReduc()
- DefaultFOV()
- DimReduc-class()
- DimReduc-methods()
- Distances()
- dot-Contains()
- dot-DefaultFOV()
- Embeddings()
- EmptyDF()
- FetchData()
- FilterObjects()
- FOV-class()
- FOV-methods()
- GetImage()
- GetTissueCoordinates()
- Graph-class()
- Idents()
- Images()
- Index()
- Indices()
- IsGlobal()
- IsMatrixEmpty()
- IsNamedList()
- JackStrawData-class()
- JackStrawData-methods()
- JS()
- Key()
- KeyMixin-class()
- Loadings()
- LogMap-class()
- LogSeuratCommand()
- MatchCells()
- Misc()
- Molecules-class()
- Molecules-methods()
- Neighbor-class()
- Neighbor-methods()
- ObjectAccess()
- oldseurat-class()
- Overlay()
- PackageCheck()
- pbmc_small()
- PolyVtx()
- Project()
- Radius()
- RandomName()
- reexports()
- RenameAssays()
- RenameCells()
- RowMergeSparseMatrices()
- s4list()
- Segmentation-class()
- Segmentation-methods()
- set-if-na()
- set-if-null()
- Seurat-class()
- Seurat-methods()
- SeuratCommand-class()
- SeuratCommand-methods()
- SeuratObject-package()
- Simplify()
- SpatialImage-class()
- SpatialImage-methods()
- Stdev()
- Theta()
- Tool()
- UpdateSeuratObject()
- UpdateSlots()
- VariableFeatures()
- Version()
- WhichCells()
R Codes
Selected R package: SeuratObject
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