R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- buildBO()
- buildCVModel()
- buildEnsembleStack()
- buildGaussianProcess()
- buildKriging()
- buildKrigingDACE()
- buildLasso()
- buildLM()
- buildLOESS()
- buildPCA()
- buildRandomForest()
- buildRanger()
- buildrsdummy()
- buildRSM()
- buildTreeModel()
- calculationBarthMuschelknautz()
- calculationMothes()
- checkArrival()
- checkFeasibilityNlopGnIngres()
- checkForNAs()
- checkFunEvalsDesignSize()
- checkInputDimensionsionalityCorrect()
- checkInputTypesInControl()
- checkLowerSmallerThanUpper()
- checkTypesOfInput()
- checkVerbosityLevels()
- code2nat()
- corrcubic()
- correxp()
- correxpg()
- corrgauss()
- corrkriging()
- corrlin()
- corrnoisygauss()
- corrnoisykriging()
- corrspherical()
- corrspline()
- daceEvalFit()
- daceFixTheta()
- daceGetFit()
- daceLikelihood()
- daceObjfunc()
- dacePrepareFit()
- daceStartParameters()
- dataGasSensor()
- descentSpotRSM()
- designLHD()
- designLHDNorm()
- designUniformRandom()
- diff0()
- doParallel()
- duplicateAndReplicateHandling()
- evaluateModel()
- expectedImprovement()
- funBard()
- funBeale()
- funBox3d()
- funBranin()
- funBrownBs()
- funCosts()
- funCyclone()
- funError()
- funFreudRoth()
- funGauss()
- funGoldsteinPrice()
- funGulf()
- funHelical()
- funIshigami()
- funJennSamp()
- funMeyer()
- funMoo()
- funNoise()
- funOptimLecture()
- funPowellBs()
- funPowellS()
- funRosen()
- funRosen2()
- funShiftedSphere()
- funSoblev99()
- funSphere()
- funSring()
- getCorrelationMatrix()
- getCosts()
- getMultiStartPoints()
- getNatDesignFromCoded()
- getPerformanceStats()
- getPositions()
- getPower()
- getReplicates()
- getSampleSize()
- handleNAsKrigingWorst()
- handleNAsMax()
- handleNAsMean()
- imputeY()
- infillEI()
- infillExpectedImprovement()
- infillGetFullPrediction()
- initialInputCheck()
- init_ring()
- krigingLikelihood()
- linearAdaptedSE()
- makeMoreFunList()
- makeSpotFunList()
- maxNearestNeighbourDistance()
- normalizeMatrix()
- normalizeMatrix2()
- obj.plgpEI()
- objectiveFunctionEvaluation()
- OCBA()
- ocbaRanking()
- optimDE()
- optimES()
- optimGenoud()
- optimLagp()
- optimLBFGSB()
- optimLHD()
- optimNLOPTR()
- optimRSfun()
- perceptron()
- plgpEI()
- plot.spotRSM()
- plot.spotSeverity()
- plot.spotTreeModel()
- plotBestObj()
- plotData()
- plotFunction()
- plotModel()
- plotPCA()
- plotPCAvariance()
- plotSingleDimFunction()
- predict.cvModel()
- predict.dace()
- predict.ensembleStack()
- predict.kriging()
- predict.rsdummy()
- predict.spotBOModel()
- predict.spotGaussianProcessModel()
- predict.spotLassoModel()
- predict.spotLinearModel()
- predict.spotLOESS()
- predict.spotRandomForest()
- predict.spotRanger()
- predict.spotRSM()
- predict.spotTreeModel()
- predictKrigingReinterpolation()
- prepareBestObjectiveVal()
- print()
- print.spotBOModel()
- print.spotGaussianProcessModel()
- print.spotLassoModel()
- print.spotLinearModel()
- print.spotLOESS()
- print.spotRandomForest()
- print.spotRanger()
- print.spotRSM()
- print.spotSeverity()
- print.spotTreeModel()
- regpoly0()
- regpoly1()
- regpoly2()
- repairNonNumeric()
- repeatsOCBA()
- repmat()
- resBench01()
- resSpot()
- resSpot2()
- ring()
- runOptim()
- runSpotBench()
- sann2spot()
- satter()
- selectAll()
- selectN()
- simulate.kriging()
- simulateFunction()
- simulationDecompose()
- simulationSpectral()
- SPOT-package()
- spot()
- spotAlgEs()
- spotAlgEsDominantReco()
- spotAlgEsGetSuccessRate()
- spotAlgEsHps()
- spotAlgEsIndividualInitial()
- spotAlgEsInitParentPop()
- spotAlgEsInterReco()
- spotAlgEsInterRecoBeSw02()
- spotAlgEsMarriage()
- spotAlgEsMarriageWithReplace()
- spotAlgEsObjMutation()
- spotAlgEsSelection()
- spotAlgEsStratMutation()
- spotAlgEsTermination()
- spotCleanup()
- spotControl()
- spotFillControlList()
- spotHelpBslash()
- spotLoop()
- spotPlotErrors()
- spotPlotPower()
- spotPlotSeverityBasic()
- spotPlotTest()
- spotPower()
- spotSeverity()
- spotSeverityBasic()
- sring()
- sringRes1()
- sringRes2()
- sringRes3()
- thetaNugget()
- thetaNuggetGradient()
- transformX()
- updateSeedFromXnew()
- vmessage()
- wrapBatchTools()
- wrapFunction()
- wrapFunctionParallel()
- wrapSystemCommand()
- wrapSystem_parseMatrixToString()
R Codes
- benchOptim.R
- buildBO.R
- buildCVModel.R
- buildEnsembleStack.R
- buildGaussianProcessModel.R
- buildKrigingDACE.R
- buildKrigingForrester.R
- buildLasso.R
- buildLM.R
- buildLOESS.R
- buildPCA.R
- buildRandomForest.R
- buildRandomSearchDummy.R
- buildRanger.R
- buildRSM.R
- buildTree.R
- dataGasSensor.R
- designLHD.R
- designUniformRandom.R
- duplicateHandling.R
- evaluateModel.R
- expectedImprovement.R
- funContinuous.R
- funCyclone.R
- funError.R
- funMultiObjectiveOptim.R
- funNoise.R
- funOptimLecture.R
- funSring.R
- handleNAs.R
- infillEI.R
- infillExpectedImprovement.R
- infillGetFullPrediction.R
- initialInputCheck.R
- objectiveFunctionEvaluation.R
- optimDE.R
- optimES.R
- optimGenoud.R
- optimLagp.R
- optimLBFGSB.R
- optimLHD.R
- optimNLOPTR.R
- optimRanddomSearch.R
- package.R
- plotData.R
- plotFunction.R
- plotModel.R
- plotPCA.R
- plotPCAvariance.R
- plotResults.R
- plotSingleDimFunction.R
- repair.R
- repeatsOCBA.R
- reportSeverity.R
- resBench01.R
- resSpot.R
- resSpot2.R
- satter.R
- selectAll.R
- selectN.R
- simulateKriging.R
- spot.R
- spotTools.R
- sringRes1.R
- sringRes2.R
- sringRes3.R
- systemDependentParallel.R
- wrapper.R
Selected R package: SPOT
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