R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- aliasmodel()
- anticoef_from_delta()
- anticoef_from_delta_surv()
- blockingstructure()
- calcblocksizes()
- calcnoncentralparam()
- calculatepower()
- calculate_degrees_of_freedom()
- calculate_gefficiency()
- calculate_level_vector()
- calculate_split_columns()
- calc_conservative_anticoef()
- calc_interaction_degrees()
- constructRunMatrix()
- contr.simplex()
- convert_blockcolumn_rownames()
- convert_model_dots()
- convert_rownames_to_covariance()
- disallowed_combinations()
- effectpower()
- effectpowermc()
- eval_design()
- eval_design_custom_mc()
- eval_design_mc()
- eval_design_survival_mc()
- extractPvalues()
- generate_noise_block()
- genhypmatrix()
- genparammatrix()
- gen_anticoef()
- gen_binomial_anticoef()
- gen_design()
- gen_exponential_anticoef()
- gen_momentsmatrix()
- gen_poisson_anticoef()
- get_attribute()
- get_optimality()
- is_intralayer_interaction()
- normalize_numeric_runmatrix()
- parameterpower()
- permutations()
- pipe()
- plot_correlations()
- plot_fds()
- potential_permuted_factors()
- print.skpr_eval_output()
- priorlevels()
- quad()
- rearrange_formula_by_order()
- reduceRunMatrix()
- remove_skpr_blockcols()
- skprGUI()
- skprGUIbrowser()
- skprGUIserver()
R Codes
- aliasmodel.R
- anticoef_from_delta.R
- anticoef_from_delta_surv.R
- blockingstructure.R
- calcblocksizes.R
- calcnoncentralparam.R
- calculatepower.R
- calculate_degrees_of_freedom.R
- calculate_gefficiency.R
- calculate_level_vector.R
- calculate_split_columns.R
- calc_conservative_anticoef.R
- calc_interaction_degrees.R
- constructRunMatrix.R
- contr.simplex.R
- convert_blockcolumn_rownames.R
- convert_model_dots.R
- convert_rownames_to_covariance.R
- disallowed_combinations.R
- effectpower.R
- effectpowermc.R
- eval_design.R
- eval_design_custom_mc.R
- eval_design_mc.R
- eval_design_survival_mc.R
- extractPvalues.R
- generate_noise_block.R
- genhypmatrix.R
- genparammatrix.R
- gen_anticoef.R
- gen_binomial_anticoef.R
- gen_design.R
- gen_exponential_anticoef.R
- gen_momentsmatrix.R
- gen_poisson_anticoef.R
- get_attribute.R
- get_optimality.R
- is_intralayer_interaction.R
- methods.R
- normalize_numeric_runmatrix.R
- parallel_search_progress.R
- parameterpower.R
- permutation_functions.R
- pipeimport.R
- plot_correlations.R
- plot_fds.R
- priorlevels.R
- quad.R
- RcppExports.R
- rearrange_formula_by_order.R
- reduceRunMatrix.R
- remove_skpr_blockcols.R
- skpRcpp.R
- skprGUI.R
- skprGUIbrowser.R
- skprGUIserver.R
- startupmessage.R
- zzz.R
Selected R package: skpr
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