R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- bursts.check_subconductance()
- bursts.conductance_states()
- bursts.copy()
- bursts.defined_by_tcrit()
- bursts.get_gaps()
- bursts.impose_deadtime()
- bursts.modify_conductance()
- bursts.pcloseds()
- bursts.popens()
- bursts.recombine()
- bursts.remove_first_and_last()
- bursts.select()
- bursts.sort()
- bursts.space_out()
- bursts.start_times_update()
- bursts.subconductance_as()
- clampfit.read()
- cplot.conductance_hist()
- cplot.log_root_axes()
- cplot.pclosed_ts()
- cplot.popen_ts()
- dwt.read()
- dwt.write()
- evt.extract_header()
- evt.from_dwells()
- evt.read()
- evt.to_dwells()
- evt.write()
- hst.extract_header()
- hst.read()
- hst.write()
- risetime.correct_gaussian()
- scan.read()
- segment.check_subconductance()
- segment.closed_dwells()
- segment.conductance_states()
- segment.consecutives_to_dwells()
- segment.copy()
- segment.count_closed()
- segment.count_dwells()
- segment.count_open()
- segment.create()
- segment.duration()
- segment.dwells_by_conductance()
- segment.dwells_by_conductance_range()
- segment.impose_deadtime()
- segment.modify_conductance()
- segment.name()
- segment.open_dwells()
- segment.pclosed()
- segment.pconductance()
- segment.pconductance_range()
- segment.popen()
- segment.seg()
- segment.start_time()
- segment.subconductance_as()
- segment.verify()
- util.basename()
R Codes
Selected R package: scbursts
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