R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- accumulate()
- along()
- array-coercion()
- as_mapper()
- as_vector()
- attr_getter()
- at_depth()
- auto_browse()
- chuck()
- compose()
- cross()
- detect()
- every()
- faq-adverbs-export()
- flatten()
- get-attr()
- has_element()
- head_while()
- imap()
- insistently()
- invoke()
- keep()
- keep_at()
- lift()
- list_assign()
- list_c()
- list_flatten()
- list_simplify()
- list_transpose()
- lmap()
- map()
- map2()
- map_depth()
- map_dfr()
- map_if()
- map_raw()
- modify()
- modify_in()
- modify_tree()
- negate()
- partial()
- pipe()
- pluck()
- pluck_depth()
- pmap()
- possibly()
- prepend()
- progress_bars()
- purrr-package()
- purrr_error_indexed()
- quietly()
- rate-helpers()
- rate_sleep()
- rbernoulli()
- rdunif()
- reduce()
- reduce_right()
- reexports()
- rerun()
- safely()
- slowly()
- splice()
- transpose()
- update_list()
- when()
R Codes
- adverb-auto-browse.R
- adverb-compose.R
- adverb-insistently.R
- adverb-negate.R
- adverb-partial.R
- adverb-possibly.R
- adverb-quietly.R
- adverb-safely.R
- adverb-slowly.R
- arrays.R
- cleancall.R
- coerce.R
- compat-obj-type.R
- compat-types-check.R
- conditions.R
- deprec-along.R
- deprec-cross.R
- deprec-invoke.R
- deprec-lift.R
- deprec-map.R
- deprec-prepend.R
- deprec-rerun.R
- deprec-splice.R
- deprec-utils.R
- deprec-when.R
- detect.R
- every-some-none.R
- faq.R
- head-tail.R
- imap.R
- keep.R
- list-combine.R
- list-flatten.R
- list-modify.R
- list-simplify.R
- list-transpose.R
- lmap.R
- map-depth.R
- map-if-at.R
- map-mapper.R
- map-raw.R
- map.R
- map2.R
- modify-tree.R
- modify.R
- package-purrr.R
- pluck-assign.R
- pluck-depth.R
- pluck.R
- pmap.R
- progress-bars.R
- rate.R
- reduce.R
- reexport-pipe.R
- reexport-rlang.R
- superseded-flatten.R
- superseded-map-df.R
- superseded-simplify.R
- superseded-transpose.R
- utils.R
Selected R package: purrr
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