R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- bootEstimates()
- Bootstrap-class()
- CDdiagram.BD()
- CDdiagram.Nemenyi()
- classificationMetrics()
- ComparisonResults-class()
- CV-class()
- cvEstimates()
- EstCommon-class()
- EstimationMethod-class()
- EstimationResults-class()
- estimationSummary()
- EstimationTask-class()
- getIterationsInfo()
- getIterationsPreds()
- getScores()
- getWorkflow()
- hldEstimates()
- Holdout-class()
- is.classification()
- is.regression()
- knnImp()
- LOOCV-class()
- loocvEstimates()
- mcEstimates()
- mergeEstimationRes()
- metricNames()
- metricsSummary()
- MonteCarlo-class()
- pairedComparisons()
- performanceEstimation()
- PredTask-class()
- rankWorkflows()
- regressionMetrics()
- responseValues()
- results2table()
- runWorkflow()
- signifDiffs()
- smote()
- standardPOST()
- standardPRE()
- standardWF()
- subset-methods()
- taskNames()
- timeseriesWF()
- topPerformer()
- topPerformers()
- Workflow-class()
- workflowNames()
- workflowVariants()
R Codes
Selected R package: performanceEstimation
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