R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- alignmentCheck()
- appendEnv()
- assembleMZQC()
- assignBlocks()
- boxplotCompare()
- brewer.pal.Safe()
- byX()
- byXflex()
- checkEnglishLocale()
- computeMatchRTFractions()
- correctSetSize()
- createReport()
- createYaml()
- CV()
- CVDictionarySingleton()
- darken()
- del0()
- delLCP()
- delLCS()
- FilenameMapper-class()
- findAlignReference()
- fixCalibration()
- flattenList()
- fromDatatoMzQC()
- getAbundanceClass()
- getCVDictionary()
- getCVTemplate()
- getECDF()
- getFragmentErrors()
- getHTMLTable()
- getMaxima()
- getMetaData()
- getMetricsObjects()
- getMQPARValue()
- getPCA()
- getPeptideCounts()
- getProteinCounts()
- getQCHeatMap()
- getQualityMetricTemplate()
- getReportFilenames()
- getRunQualityTemplate()
- ggAxisLabels()
- ggText()
- grapes-plus-grapes()
- grepv()
- hasFileSuffix()
- idTransferCheck()
- inMatchWindow()
- isUndefined()
- isValidMzQC()
- lcpCount()
- LCS()
- lcsCount()
- LCSn()
- longestCommonPrefix()
- longestCommonSuffix()
- mosaicize()
- MQDataReader-class()
- MzQCanalysisSoftware-class()
- MzQCbaseQuality-class()
- MzQCcontrolledVocabulary-class()
- MzQCcvParameter-class()
- MzQCDateTime-class()
- MzQCinputFile-class()
- MzQCmetadata-class()
- MzQCmzQC-class()
- MzQCqualityMetric-class()
- MzTabReader-class()
- NULL_to_charNA()
- NULL_to_NA()
- parseOBO()
- pasten()
- pastet()
- peakSegmentation()
- peakWidthOverTime()
- plotTable()
- plotTableRaw()
- plot_CalibratedMSErr()
- plot_Charge()
- plot_ContEVD()
- plot_ContsPG()
- plot_ContUser()
- plot_ContUserScore()
- plot_CountData()
- plot_DataOverRT()
- plot_IDRate()
- plot_IDsOverRT()
- plot_IonInjectionTimeOverRT()
- plot_MBRAlign()
- plot_MBRgain()
- plot_MBRIDtransfer()
- plot_MissedCleavages()
- plot_MS2Decal()
- plot_MS2Oversampling()
- plot_RatiosPG()
- plot_RTPeakWidth()
- plot_ScanIDRate()
- plot_TIC()
- plot_TopN()
- plot_TopNoverRT()
- plot_UncalibratedMSErr()
- pointsPutX()
- print.PTXQC_table()
- printWithFooter()
- QCMetaFilenames()
- qcMetric-class()
- qcMetric_MSMSScans_TopNoverRT-class()
- qualBestKS()
- qualCentered()
- qualCenteredRef()
- qualGaussDev()
- qualHighest()
- qualLinThresh()
- qualMedianDist()
- qualUniform()
- read.MQ()
- removeSuffix()
- renameFile()
- repEach()
- RSD()
- RTalignmentTree()
- scale01linear()
- scale_x_discrete_reverse()
- scale_y_discrete_reverse()
- ScoreInAlignWindow()
- shortenStrings()
- simplifyNames()
- suffixToCV()
- supCount()
- theme_blank()
- thinOut()
- thinOutBatch()
- wait_for_writable()
- writeMZQC()
- YAMLClass-class()
R Codes
- createReport.R
- createYaml.R
- fcn_misc.R
- fcn_miscGGplot.R
- fcn_MQ.R
- fcn_MQalign.R
- fcn_mqpar.R
- fcn_PCA.R
- fcn_plots.R
- fcn_QCHeat.R
- fcn_qualities.R
- FilenameMapper.R
- MQDataReader.R
- mzQC.R
- MzQC_classes.R
- MzTabReader.R
- pkg_internal.R
- qcMetric.R
- qcMetric_EVD.R
- qcMetric_MSMS.R
- qcMetric_MSMSScans.R
- qcMetric_PAR.R
- qcMetric_PG.R
- qcMetric_SM.R
- YAMLClass.R
Selected R package: PTXQC
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