R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- add.arrow()
- add.color.bar()
- add.everywhere()
- add.random()
- add.simmap.legend()
- add.species.to.genus()
- aic.w()
- allFurcTrees()
- anc.Bayes()
- anc.ML()
- anc.trend()
- ancr()
- ancThresh()
- anoletree()
- ansi_phylo()
- applyBranchLengths()
- as.multiPhylo()
- as.Qmatrix()
- ave.rates()
- averageTree()
- bd()
- bind.tip()
- bind.tree.simmap()
- bmPlot()
- branching.diffusion()
- brownie.lite()
- brownieREML()
- cladelabels()
- collapse.to.star()
- collapseTree()
- compare.chronograms()
- consensus.edges()
- contMap()
- cophylo()
- cospeciation()
- countSimmap()
- ctt()
- density.multiSimmap()
- densityMap()
- densityTree()
- describe.simmap()
- di2multi.simmap()
- dotTree()
- drop.clade()
- drop.leaves()
- drop.tip.contMap()
- drop.tip.multiSimmap()
- drop.tip.simmap()
- Dtest()
- edge.widthMap()
- edgeProbs()
- estDiversity()
- evol.rate.mcmc()
- evol.vcv()
- evolvcv.lite()
- exhaustiveMP()
- expand.clade()
- export.as.xml()
- fancyTree()
- fastAnc()
- fastBM()
- fastMRCA()
- findMRCA()
- fit.bd()
- fitBayes()
- fitDiversityModel()
- fitMk()
- fitPagel()
- force.ultrametric()
- gammatest()
- gamma_pruning()
- genSeq()
- geo.legend()
- get.treepos()
- getCladesofSize()
- getDescendants()
- getExtant()
- getSisters()
- getStates()
- labelnodes()
- ladderize.simmap()
- lambda.transform()
- likMlambda()
- linklabels()
- locate.fossil()
- locate.yeti()
- ls.tree()
- ltt()
- ltt95()
- make.era.map()
- make.simmap()
- map.overlap()
- map.to.singleton()
- mapped.states()
- markChanges()
- matchNodes()
- mergeMappedStates()
- midpoint.root()
- minRotate()
- minSplit()
- modified.Grafen()
- mrp.supertree()
- multi.mantel()
- multiC()
- multirateBM()
- multiRF()
- nodeHeights()
- nodelabels.cophylo()
- optim.phylo.ls()
- orderMappedEdge()
- paintSubTree()
- paste.tree()
- pbtree()
- pgls.Ives()
- phenogram()
- phyl.cca()
- phyl.pairedttest()
- phyl.pca()
- phyl.resid()
- phyl.RMA()
- phyl.vcv()
- phylANOVA()
- phylo.heatmap()
- phylo.impute()
- phylo.to.map()
- phylo.toBackbone()
- phyloDesign()
- phylomorphospace()
- phylomorphospace3d()
- phylosig()
- phytools-package()
- plot.backbonePhylo()
- plotBranchbyTrait()
- plotSimmap()
- plotThresh()
- plotTree.datamatrix()
- plotTree.errorbars()
- plotTree()
- plotTree.wBars()
- posterior.evolrate()
- posthoc()
- print.backbonePhylo()
- pscore()
- ratebystate()
- ratebytree()
- rateshift()
- read.newick()
- read.simmap()
- reorder.backbonePhylo()
- reorderSimmap()
- rep.phylo()
- reroot()
- rerootingMethod()
- rescale()
- rescaleSimmap()
- resolveNode()
- rotateNodes()
- roundBranches()
- roundPhylogram()
- rstate()
- sampleFrom()
- setMap()
- sim.corrs()
- sim.history()
- sim.ratebystate()
- sim.rates()
- simBMphylo()
- skewers()
- splitEdgeColor()
- splitplotTree()
- splitTree()
- starTree()
- strahlerNumber()
- threshBayes()
- threshDIC()
- threshState()
- to.matrix()
- tree.grow()
- treeSlice()
- untangle()
- vcvPhylo()
- write.simmap()
- writeAncestors()
- writeNexus()
R Codes
- add.everywhere.R
- add.random.R
- add.species.to.genus.R
- allFurcTrees.R
- anc.Bayes.R
- anc.ML.R
- anc.trend.R
- ancThresh.R
- ansi_phylo.R
- asr.R
- backbonePhylo.R
- bd.R
- bmPlot.R
- branching.diffusion.R
- brownie.lite.R
- brownieREML.R
- collapseTree.R
- compare.chronograms.R
- consensus.edges.R
- contMap.R
- cophylo.R
- cospeciation.R
- cotangleplot.R
- ctt.R
- densityMap.R
- densityTree.R
- dotTree.R
- drop.tip.simmap.R
- Dtest.R
- estDiversity.R
- evol.rate.mcmc.R
- evol.vcv.R
- evolvcv.lite.R
- exhaustiveMP.R
- export.as.xml.R
- fancyTree.R
- fastAnc.R
- fastBM.R
- fitBayes.R
- fitBiogeog.R
- fitDiversityModel.R
- fitgammaMk.R
- fitHRM.R
- fitMk.parallel.R
- fitMk.R
- fitmultiMk.R
- fitPagel.R
- fitpolyMk.R
- locate.fossil.R
- locate.yeti.R
- ls.consensus.R
- ltt.R
- ltt95.R
- make.era.map.R
- make.simmap.R
- map.overlap.R
- map.to.singleton.R
- mcmcBM.full.R
- mcmcBM.R
- mcmcLambda.R
- mcmcMk.R
- mrp.supertree.R
- multi.mantel.R
- multirateBM.R
- multiRF.R
- optim.phylo.ls.R
- paintSubTree.R
- parsimony.R
- pbtree.R
- pgls.Ives.R
- phenogram.R
- phyl.cca.R
- phyl.pairedttest.R
- phyl.pca.R
- phyl.resid.R
- phyl.RMA.R
- phylANOVA.R
- phylo.heatmap.R
- phylo.impute.R
- phylo.to.map.R
- phylomorphospace.R
- phylomorphospace3d.R
- phylosig.R
- plotBranchbyTrait.R
- plotrix_fn.R
- plotSimmap.R
- plotTree.datamatrix.R
- plotTree.errorbars.R
- plotTree.wBars.R
- project.phylomorphospace.R
- ratebystate.R
- ratebytree.R
- rateshift.R
- read.newick.R
- read.simmap.R
- readNexus.R
- rerootingMethod.R
- resolveNodes.R
- roundPhylogram.R
- sim.corrs.R
- sim.history.R
- sim.rates.R
- simBMphylo.R
- skewers.R
- splitplotTree.R
- starTree.R
- strahlerNumber.R
- threshBayes.R
- tree.grow.R
- treeSlice.R
- utilities.R
- write.simmap.R
- writeAncestors.R
- writeNexus.R
Selected R package: phytools
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