R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- alleleCorrelations()
- alleleDiversity()
- AllopolyTutorialData()
- assignClones()
- Bruvo.distance()
- Bruvo2.distance()
- calcFst()
- catalanAlleles()
- deleteSamples()
- deSilvaFreq()
- editGenotypes()
- estimatePloidy()
- FCRinfo()
- find.missing.gen()
- freq.to.genpop()
- genambig-class()
- genambig.to.genbinary()
- genbinary-class()
- gendata-class()
- gendata.to.genind()
- genIndex()
- genotypeDiversity()
- genotypeProbs()
- isMissing()
- Lynch.distance()
- meandist.from.array()
- meandistance.matrix()
- merge-methods()
- mergeAlleleAssignments()
- PIC()
- pld()
- ploidysuper-class()
- plotSSAllo()
- polysat-internal()
- read.ATetra()
- read.GeneMapper()
- read.GenoDive()
- read.POPDIST()
- read.SPAGeDi()
- read.STRand()
- read.Structure()
- read.Tetrasat()
- recodeAllopoly()
- reformatPloidies()
- Samples()
- simAllopoly()
- simgen()
- simpleFreq()
- testgenotypes()
- viewGenotypes()
- write.ATetra()
- write.freq.SPAGeDi()
- write.GeneMapper()
- write.GenoDive()
- write.POPDIST()
- write.SPAGeDi()
- write.Structure()
- write.Tetrasat()
R Codes
Selected R package: polysat
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