R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- adl_scoring()
- assign_parameters()
- blank()
- calculate_icer_nmb()
- checks_markov_pick_method()
- checks_plot_dsa()
- check_estimate_required_params()
- check_estimate_substitute_proper_params()
- check_link_glm()
- check_list_markov_models()
- check_null_na()
- check_trans_prob()
- check_treatment_arm()
- check_values_states()
- combine_markov()
- combine_state()
- convert_freq_diff_basis()
- convert_to_given_timeperiod()
- convert_volume_basis()
- convert_weight_diff_basis()
- convert_wtpertimediff_basis()
- costing_AandE_admission()
- costing_inpatient_daycase_admission()
- costing_resource_use()
- cost_data()
- create_new_dataset()
- define_parameters()
- define_parameters_psa()
- define_parameters_sens_anal()
- define_transition_table()
- do_diagnostic_glm()
- do_diagnostic_linear_regression()
- do_psa()
- do_sensitivity_analysis()
- encode_codes_data()
- eval_assign_trans_prob()
- eval_assign_values_states()
- find_glm_distribution()
- find_keyword_rand_generation()
- find_keyword_regression_method()
- find_parameters_btn_operators()
- find_required_parameter_combs()
- find_survreg_distribution()
- form_expression_glm()
- form_expression_lm()
- form_expression_mixed_model_lme4()
- generate_wt_time_units()
- generate_wt_vol_units()
- get_age_details()
- get_colnames_codedvalues()
- get_col_multiple_pattern()
- get_cost_AandE_code()
- get_cost_AandE_description()
- get_cost_ip_dc_description()
- get_cost_ip_dc_hrg()
- get_eq5d_details()
- get_extension_file()
- get_gender_details()
- get_mean_sd_age()
- get_mortality_from_file()
- get_name_value_probdistrb_def()
- get_outcome_details()
- get_parameter_def_distribution()
- get_parameter_direct()
- get_parameter_estimated_regression()
- get_parameter_read()
- get_slope_intercept()
- get_slope_intercept_cross()
- get_slope_intercept_nested()
- get_timepoint_details()
- get_trial_arm_details()
- get_var_state()
- health_state()
- init_trace()
- keep_results_plot_dsa()
- list_paramwise_psa_result()
- load_trial_data()
- make_string_covariates()
- map_eq5d5Lto3L_VanHout()
- markov_model()
- microcosting_liquids_long()
- microcosting_liquids_wide()
- microcosting_patches_long()
- microcosting_patches_wide()
- microcosting_tablets_long()
- microcosting_tablets_wide()
- plot_ceac()
- plot_dsa()
- plot_dsa_difference()
- plot_dsa_icer_range()
- plot_dsa_nmb_range()
- plot_dsa_others_range()
- plot_efficiency_frontier()
- plot_model()
- plot_prediction_parametric_survival()
- plot_return_residual_cox()
- plot_return_residual_survival()
- plot_return_survival_curve()
- plot_survival_cox_covariates()
- populate_transition_matrix()
- prediction_regression()
- predict_coxph()
- report_sensitivity_analysis()
- return0_if_not_null_na()
- return_equal_liststring_col()
- return_equal_liststring_listcol()
- return_equal_str_col()
- set_var_state()
- strategy()
- summary_plot_psa()
- table_param()
- trace_data()
- transition_cost_util()
- trial_data()
- use_coxph_survival()
- use_fh2_survival()
- use_fh_survival()
- use_generalised_linear_mixed_model()
- use_generalised_linear_model()
- use_km_survival()
- use_linear_mixed_model()
- use_linear_regression()
- use_parametric_survival()
- use_seemingly_unrelated_regression()
- use_survival_analysis()
- utility_data()
- value_ADL_scores_IPD()
- value_eq5d3L_IPD()
- value_eq5d5L_IPD()
- value_Shows_IPD()
- word2num()
R Codes
- 1_model_functions.R
- 2a_parameter_estimation_functions.R
- 2b_parameter_estimation_survival_functions.R
- 3a_trialdata_analysis_input_functions.R
- 3b_outcome_analysis_functions.R
- 3c_costing_medication_functions.R
- 3c_costing_resource_use_functions.R
- 3d_decision_analysis_functions.R
- 4a_deterministic_sensitivity_analysis_functions.R
- 4b_probabilistic_sensitivity_analysis_functions.R
- data.R
- globals.R
- help_cost_analysis_functions.R
- help_model_functions.R
- help_parameter_estimation_functions.R
- help_parameter_estimation_survival.R
- toy_model.R
Selected R package: packDAMipd
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