R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- binned_residuals()
- check_autocorrelation()
- check_clusterstructure()
- check_collinearity()
- check_convergence()
- check_distribution()
- check_factorstructure()
- check_heterogeneity_bias()
- check_heteroscedasticity()
- check_homogeneity()
- check_itemscale()
- check_model()
- check_multimodal()
- check_normality()
- check_outliers()
- check_overdispersion()
- check_predictions()
- check_singularity()
- check_sphericity()
- check_symmetry()
- check_zeroinflation()
- classify_distribution()
- compare_performance()
- cronbachs_alpha()
- display.performance_model()
- icc()
- item_difficulty()
- item_discrimination()
- item_intercor()
- item_reliability()
- item_split_half()
- looic()
- model_performance.ivreg()
- model_performance.kmeans()
- model_performance.lavaan()
- model_performance.lm()
- model_performance.merMod()
- model_performance()
- model_performance.rma()
- model_performance.stanreg()
- performance-package()
- performance_accuracy()
- performance_aicc()
- performance_cv()
- performance_hosmer()
- performance_logloss()
- performance_mae()
- performance_mse()
- performance_pcp()
- performance_rmse()
- performance_roc()
- performance_rse()
- performance_score()
- r2()
- r2_bayes()
- r2_coxsnell()
- r2_efron()
- r2_kullback()
- r2_loo()
- r2_mcfadden()
- r2_mckelvey()
- r2_nagelkerke()
- r2_nakagawa()
- r2_somers()
- r2_tjur()
- r2_xu()
- r2_zeroinflated()
- reexports()
- test_performance()
R Codes
- binned_residuals.R
- check_autocorrelation.R
- check_clusterstructure.R
- check_collinearity.R
- check_concurvity.R
- check_convergence.R
- check_distribution.R
- check_factorstructure.R
- check_heterogeneity_bias.R
- check_heteroscedasticity.R
- check_homogeneity.R
- check_htest.R
- check_itemscale.R
- check_model.R
- check_model_diagnostics.R
- check_multimodal.R
- check_normality.R
- check_outliers.R
- check_overdispersion.R
- check_predictions.R
- check_singularity.R
- check_sphericity.R
- check_symmetry.R
- check_zeroinflation.R
- compare_performance.R
- cronbachs_alpha.R
- display.R
- format.R
- get_gradients.R
- helpers.R
- icc.R
- item_difficulty.R
- item_discrimination.R
- item_intercor.R
- item_reliability.R
- item_split_half.R
- logLik.R
- looic.R
- model_performance.bayesian.R
- model_performance.bife.R
- model_performance.ivreg.R
- model_performance.kmeans.R
- model_performance.lavaan.R
- model_performance.lm.R
- model_performance.mixed.R
- model_performance.R
- model_performance.rma.R
- model_performance_default.R
- performance-package.R
- performance_accuracy.R
- performance_aicc.R
- performance_cv.R
- performance_hosmer.R
- performance_logloss.R
- performance_mae.R
- performance_mse.R
- performance_pcp.R
- performance_rmse.R
- performance_roc.R
- performance_rse.R
- performance_score.R
- print-methods.R
- print_md.R
- r2.R
- r2_bayes.R
- r2_ci.R
- r2_coxsnell.R
- r2_efron.R
- r2_kl.R
- r2_loo.R
- r2_mcfadden.R
- r2_mckelvey.R
- r2_nagelkerke.R
- r2_nakagawa.R
- r2_somers.R
- r2_tjur.R
- r2_xu.R
- r2_zeroinflated.R
- residuals.R
- skewness_kurtosis.R
- test_bf.R
- test_likelihoodratio.R
- test_performance.R
- test_vuong.R
- test_wald.R
Selected R package: performance
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