R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- afps()
- afps.powdRlib()
- afsis()
- afsis_codes()
- afsis_regroup()
- align_xy.multiXY()
- align_xy()
- align_xy.XY()
- as_multi_xy.data.frame()
- as_multi_xy.list()
- as_multi_xy()
- as_xy()
- bkg()
- close_quant()
- close_quant.powdRafps()
- close_quant.powdRfps()
- delta()
- extract_xy()
- fps()
- fps.powdRlib()
- fps_lm()
- fps_lm.powdRlib()
- interpolate.multiXY()
- interpolate()
- interpolate.powdRlib()
- interpolate.XY()
- merge.powdRlib()
- minerals()
- minerals_phases()
- minerals_regroup()
- minerals_xrd()
- multi_xy_to_df.multiXY()
- multi_xy_to_df()
- omit_std()
- omit_std.powdRafps()
- omit_std.powdRfps()
- plot.multiXY()
- plot.powdRafps()
- plot.powdRbkg()
- plot.powdRfps()
- plot.powdRlib()
- plot.powdRlm()
- plot.XY()
- powdR()
- powdRlib()
- r()
- read_xy()
- regroup()
- regroup.powdRafps()
- regroup.powdRfps()
- rockjock()
- rockjock_mixtures()
- rockjock_regroup()
- rockjock_weights()
- run_bkg()
- run_powdR()
- rwp()
- soils()
- subset.powdRlib()
- summarise_mineralogy()
- tth_transform()
- xrpd_pca()
R Codes
- afps.R
- alignment.R
- align_xy.R
- as_multi_xy.R
- as_xy.R
- attach_message.R
- bkg.R
- close_quant.R
- data.R
- extract_xy.R
- fps.R
- fps_lm.R
- fullpat_shift.R
- harmonise.R
- interpolate.R
- lod.R
- merge.R
- multi_xrpd_align.R
- multi_xy_to_df.R
- objective_functions.R
- omit_std.R
- plotting.R
- powdR.R
- powdRlib.R
- qminerals.R
- read_xy.R
- regroup.R
- remove_amorphous.R
- remove_neg.R
- remove_trace.R
- run_bkg.R
- run_powdR.R
- shift.R
- shiny_extras.R
- subset.R
- summarise_mineralogy.R
- tth_transform.R
- xrpd_pca.R
Selected R package: powdR
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