R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
R Codes
- compute.approx.lr.R
- compute.exact.lr.R
- compute.F.statistic.R
- compute.lr.stat.multi.R
- compute.lr.stat.R
- compute.mc.t.p.val.R
- compute.mc.t.statistic.R
- compute.non.selective.p.val.R
- compute.QRS.vectors.R
- compute.selective.ts.and.p.val.R
- compute.test.statistic.R
- compute.trunc.F.test.p.value.R
- enet.selection.A.b.from.enet.R
- enet.selection.A.b.R
- find.limits.R
- find.norm.limits.R
- find.overall.truncation.interval.R
- find.root.R
- find.single.truncation.interval.R
- find.where.sign.changes.R
- fit.enet.fixed.lambda.R
- gradient.truncation.region.function.R
- hit.and.run.samples.multivariate.model.R
- interval.if.derivative.always.negative.R
- interval.if.derivative.always.positive.R
- limits.approx.lr.R
- limits.exact.lr.R
- maximise.lr.R
- mc.selection.A.b.R
- nonselective.mc.test.R
- nonselective.multivariate.F.test.R
- print.prototest.R
- prototest.multivariate.R
- prototest.univariate.R
- RcppExports.R
- truncation.region.function.R
- update.mu.R
- update.sigma.R
- update.theta.approx.R
- update.theta.R
Selected R package: prototest
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