R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- accessanalyzer()
- account()
- acm()
- acmpca()
- apigateway()
- apigatewaymanagementapi()
- apigatewayv2()
- appfabric()
- applicationautoscaling()
- applicationcostprofiler()
- applicationinsights()
- appmesh()
- appregistry()
- apprunner()
- appstream()
- arczonalshift()
- athena()
- auditmanager()
- augmentedairuntime()
- autoscaling()
- autoscalingplans()
- backup()
- backupgateway()
- backupstorage()
- batch()
- bedrock()
- bedrockruntime()
- billingconductor()
- braket()
- budgets()
- cloud9()
- cloudcontrolapi()
- clouddirectory()
- cloudformation()
- cloudfront()
- cloudhsm()
- cloudhsmv2()
- cloudsearch()
- cloudsearchdomain()
- cloudtrail()
- cloudtraildataservice()
- cloudwatch()
- cloudwatchevents()
- cloudwatchevidently()
- cloudwatchinternetmonitor()
- cloudwatchlogs()
- cloudwatchobservabilityaccessmanager()
- cloudwatchrum()
- codeartifact()
- codebuild()
- codecatalyst()
- codecommit()
- codedeploy()
- codeguruprofiler()
- codegurureviewer()
- codegurusecurity()
- codepipeline()
- codestar()
- codestarconnections()
- codestarnotifications()
- cognitoidentity()
- cognitoidentityprovider()
- cognitosync()
- comprehend()
- comprehendmedical()
- computeoptimizer()
- configservice()
- connect()
- connectcampaignservice()
- connectcases()
- connectcontactlens()
- connectparticipant()
- connectwisdomservice()
- controltower()
- costandusagereportservice()
- costexplorer()
- customerprofiles()
- datapipeline()
- datazone()
- dax()
- detective()
- devopsguru()
- directconnect()
- directoryservice()
- dlm()
- docdb()
- docdbelastic()
- drs()
- dynamodb()
- dynamodbstreams()
- ebs()
- ec2()
- ec2instanceconnect()
- ecr()
- ecrpublic()
- ecs()
- efs()
- eks()
- elasticache()
- elasticbeanstalk()
- elasticinference()
- elasticsearchservice()
- elb()
- elbv2()
- emr()
- emrcontainers()
- emrserverless()
- entityresolution()
- eventbridge()
- eventbridgepipes()
- eventbridgescheduler()
- finspace()
- finspacedata()
- firehose()
- fis()
- fms()
- forecastqueryservice()
- forecastservice()
- frauddetector()
- fsx()
- glacier()
- globalaccelerator()
- glue()
- gluedatabrew()
- guardduty()
- health()
- healthlake()
- iam()
- iamrolesanywhere()
- identitystore()
- imagebuilder()
- inspector()
- inspector2()
- ivs()
- ivschat()
- ivsrealtime()
- kafka()
- kafkaconnect()
- kendra()
- kendraranking()
- keyspaces()
- kinesis()
- kinesisanalytics()
- kinesisanalyticsv2()
- kms()
- lakeformation()
- lambda()
- lexmodelbuildingservice()
- lexmodelsv2()
- lexruntimeservice()
- lexruntimev2()
- licensemanager()
- licensemanagerlinuxsubscriptions()
- licensemanagerusersubscriptions()
- lightsail()
- locationservice()
- lookoutequipment()
- lookoutmetrics()
- machinelearning()
- macie2()
- managedgrafana()
- marketplacecatalog()
- marketplacecommerceanalytics()
- marketplaceentitlementservice()
- marketplacemetering()
- memorydb()
- mq()
- mturk()
- mwaa()
- neptune()
- neptunedata()
- networkfirewall()
- networkmanager()
- nimblestudio()
- omics()
- opensearchingestion()
- opensearchservice()
- opensearchserviceserverless()
- opsworks()
- opsworkscm()
- organizations()
- panorama()
- paymentcryptographycontrolplane()
- paymentcryptographydataplane()
- pcaconnectorad()
- personalize()
- personalizeevents()
- personalizeruntime()
- pi()
- pinpoint()
- pinpointemail()
- pinpointsmsvoice()
- pinpointsmsvoicev2()
- polly()
- pricing()
- prometheusservice()
- proton()
- qldb()
- qldbsession()
- quicksight()
- ram()
- rds()
- rdsdataservice()
- recyclebin()
- redshift()
- redshiftdataapiservice()
- redshiftserverless()
- reexports()
- rekognition()
- resiliencehub()
- resourceexplorer()
- resourcegroups()
- resourcegroupstaggingapi()
- route53()
- route53domains()
- route53recoverycluster()
- route53recoverycontrolconfig()
- route53recoveryreadiness()
- route53resolver()
- s3()
- s3control()
- s3outposts()
- sagemaker()
- sagemakeredgemanager()
- sagemakerfeaturestoreruntime()
- sagemakergeospatialcapabilities()
- sagemakermetrics()
- sagemakerruntime()
- savingsplans()
- schemas()
- secretsmanager()
- securityhub()
- securitylake()
- serverlessapplicationrepository()
- servicecatalog()
- servicediscovery()
- servicequotas()
- ses()
- sesv2()
- sfn()
- shield()
- simpledb()
- sns()
- sqs()
- ssm()
- ssmcontacts()
- ssmincidents()
- ssmsap()
- sso()
- ssoadmin()
- ssooidc()
- storagegateway()
- sts()
- support()
- supportapp()
- swf()
- synthetics()
- telconetworkbuilder()
- textract()
- timestreamquery()
- timestreamwrite()
- transcribeservice()
- translate()
- verifiedpermissions()
- voiceid()
- vpclattice()
- waf()
- wafregional()
- wafv2()
- wellarchitected()
- workdocs()
- worklink()
- workmail()
- workmailmessageflow()
- workspaces()
- workspacesweb()
- xray()
R Codes
Selected R package: paws
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