R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- abm3()
- accumarray()
- agmean()
- aitken()
- akima()
- andor()
- andrews()
- angle()
- anms()
- arclength()
- arnoldi()
- barylag()
- barylag2d()
- beep()
- bernoulli()
- bernstein()
- bisect()
- bits()
- blanks()
- blkdiag()
- brentdekker()
- brown72()
- broyden()
- bsxfun()
- bvp()
- cart2sph()
- cd()
- ceil()
- charpoly()
- chebApprox()
- chebCoeff()
- chebPoly()
- circlefit()
- clear()
- clenshaw_curtis()
- combs()
- compan()
- complexstep()
- cond()
- conv()
- cotes()
- cranknic()
- cross()
- crossn()
- cubicspline()
- curvefit()
- cutpoints()
- dblquad()
- deconv()
- deeve()
- deg2rad()
- detrend()
- deval()
- diag()
- distmat()
- dot()
- eig()
- eigjacobi()
- einsteinF()
- ellip()
- entropy()
- eps()
- erfz()
- errorbar()
- eta()
- euler_heun()
- expint()
- expm()
- eye()
- ezcontour()
- ezplot()
- ezpolar()
- fact()
- factors()
- fderiv()
- fibsearch()
- figure()
- find()
- findintervals()
- findmins()
- findpeaks()
- findzeros()
- fletcherpowell()
- flipdim()
- fminbnd()
- fmincon()
- fminsearch()
- fminunc()
- fnorm()
- fornberg()
- fprintf()
- fractalcurve()
- fresnel()
- fsolve()
- fzero()
- fzsolve()
- gammainc()
- gammaz()
- gaussHermite()
- gaussLaguerre()
- gaussLegendre()
- gaussNewton()
- gauss_kronrod()
- gcd()
- geo_median()
- givens()
- gmres()
- golden_ratio()
- grad()
- gradient()
- gramschmidt()
- hadamard()
- halley()
- hampel()
- hankel()
- hausdorff()
- haversine()
- hessenberg()
- hessian()
- hessutils()
- hilb()
- histc()
- histss()
- hookejeeves()
- horner()
- householder()
- humps()
- hurst()
- hyperbolic()
- hypot()
- ifft()
- inpolygon()
- integral()
- integral2()
- interp1()
- interp2()
- inv()
- invlap()
- isempty()
- isposdef()
- isprime()
- itersolve()
- jacobian()
- kriging()
- kron()
- l1linreg()
- laguerre()
- lambertW()
- laplacian()
- lebesgue()
- legendre()
- linearproj()
- line_integral()
- linprog()
- linspace()
- logspace()
- lsqlin()
- lsqlincon()
- lsqnonlin()
- lu()
- magic()
- matlab()
- mean()
- meshgrid()
- mexpfit()
- midpoint()
- mldivide()
- mod()
- mode()
- moler()
- movavg()
- muller()
- nchoosek()
- ndims()
- nearest_spd()
- neldermead()
- neville()
- newmark()
- newtonHorner()
- newtonInterp()
- newtonRaphson()
- newtonsys()
- nextpow2()
- nnz()
- norm()
- normest()
- nthroot()
- nullspace()
- numderiv()
- numel()
- ode()
- odregress()
- orth()
- pade()
- pascal()
- pchip()
- peaks()
- perms()
- piecewise()
- pinv()
- plotyy()
- poisson2disk()
- polar()
- poly()
- poly2str()
- polyadd()
- polyApprox()
- polyarea()
- polyder()
- polyfit()
- polyint()
- polylog()
- polymul()
- polypow()
- polytrans()
- polyval()
- pow2()
- pp()
- ppfit()
- pracma-package()
- primes()
- procrustes()
- psi()
- qpspecial()
- qrSolve()
- quad()
- quad2d()
- quadcc()
- quadgk()
- quadgr()
- quadinf()
- quadl()
- quadprog()
- quadv()
- quiver()
- rand()
- randcomb()
- randortho()
- randperm()
- rank()
- rat()
- ratinterp()
- rationalfit()
- rectint()
- refindall()
- regexp()
- regexprep()
- repmat()
- reshape()
- ridders()
- rk4()
- rkf54()
- rmserr()
- romberg()
- roots()
- rosser()
- rot90()
- rref()
- runge()
- savgol()
- segm_distance()
- segm_intersect()
- semilog()
- shooting()
- shubert()
- sici()
- sigmoid()
- simpadpt()
- simpson2d()
- sind()
- size()
- softline()
- sorting()
- sortrows()
- spinterp()
- sqrtm()
- squareform()
- std()
- std_err()
- steep_descent()
- stereographic()
- str2num()
- strcat()
- strcmp()
- strfind()
- strjust()
- strrep()
- strtrim()
- subspace()
- sumalt()
- taylor()
- tictoc()
- titanium()
- toeplitz()
- trace()
- trapz()
- tri()
- trigApprox()
- trigonometric()
- trigPoly()
- triquad()
- trisolve()
- vander()
- vectorfield()
- whittaker()
- wilkinson()
- zeta()
R Codes
- abm3.R
- accumarray.R
- agmean.R
- aitken.R
- akima.R
- andor.R
- andrews.R
- angle.R
- anms.R
- arclength.R
- arnoldi.R
- barycentric.R
- beep.R
- bernoulli.R
- bernstein.R
- bisect.R
- bits.R
- blkdiag.R
- brentdekker.R
- broyden.R
- bsxfun.R
- bvp.R
- cart2sph.R
- charpoly.R
- chebyshev.R
- circlefit.R
- circshift.R
- clear.R
- clenshaw_curtis.R
- combs.R
- compan.R
- complexstep.R
- cond.R
- conv.R
- cotes.R
- cranknic.R
- cross.R
- crossn.R
- cubicspline.R
- curvefit.R
- cutpoints.R
- dblquad.R
- deconv.R
- deg2rad.R
- detrend.R
- deval.R
- diag.R
- distmat.R
- dot.R
- eig.R
- eigjacobi.R
- einsteinF.R
- ellip.R
- entropy.R
- eps.R
- erf.R
- errorbar.R
- euler_heun.R
- expint.R
- expm.R
- eye.R
- ezplot.R
- fact.R
- factors.R
- fderiv.R
- fft.R
- fibsearch.R
- figure.R
- find.R
- findintervals.R
- findpeaks.R
- findzeros.R
- fletcherpowell.R
- flipdim.R
- fminbnd.R
- fmincon.R
- fminsearch.R
- fminunc.R
- fnorm.R
- fornberg.R
- fprintf.R
- fractalcurve.R
- fresnel.R
- fsolve.R
- fzero.R
- gamma.R
- gammainc.R
- gaussLegendre.R
- gaussNewton.R
- gauss_kronrod.R
- geo_median.R
- gmres.R
- golden_ratio.R
- grad.R
- gradient.R
- hadamard.R
- hampel.R
- hankel.R
- haversine.R
- hessenberg.R
- hessian.R
- hilb.R
- histc.R
- hookejeeves.R
- horner.R
- humps.R
- hurst.R
- hyperbolic.R
- hypot.R
- inpolygon.R
- integral.R
- integral2.R
- interp1.R
- interp2.R
- inv.R
- invlap.R
- isposdef.R
- isprime.R
- itersolve.R
- kriging.R
- kron.R
- l1linreg.R
- laguerre.R
- lambertW.R
- lebesgue.R
- legendre.R
- linearproj.R
- linprog.R
- linspace.R
- lsqlin.R
- lsqlincon.R
- lsqnonlin.R
- lsqnonneg.R
- lu.R
- magic.R
- matlab.R
- mean.R
- meshgrid.R
- mexpfit.R
- midpoint.R
- mldivide.R
- mode.R
- modular.R
- moler.R
- movavg.R
- muller.R
- nchoosek.R
- nearest_spd.R
- neldermead.R
- neville.R
- newmark.R
- newton.R
- newtonsys.R
- nextpow2.R
- norm.R
- normest.R
- nthroot.R
- numderiv.R
- ode23.R
- ode23s.R
- ode45.R
- ode78.R
- odregress.R
- pade.R
- pascal.R
- pchip.R
- perms.R
- piecewise.R
- pinv.R
- plotyy.R
- poisson2disk.R
- polar.R
- polyApprox.R
- polyarea.R
- polyfit.R
- polylog.R
- polynomials.R
- polyval.R
- pow2.R
- pp.R
- ppfit.R
- primes.R
- procrustes.R
- psi.R
- qpspecial.R
- qr.R
- quad.R
- quad2d.R
- quadcc.R
- quadgk.R
- quadgr.R
- quadinf.R
- quadl.R
- quadprog.R
- quadv.R
- rand.R
- randortho.R
- rank.R
- rat.R
- ratinterp.R
- rationalfit.R
- rectint.R
- regexp.R
- repmat.R
- ridders.R
- rk4.R
- rkf54.R
- rmserr.R
- romberg.R
- roots.R
- rosser.R
- rref.R
- runge.R
- savgol.R
- segment.R
- semilog.R
- shooting.R
- shubert.R
- sici.R
- sigmoid.R
- simpadpt.R
- sind.R
- size.R
- softline.R
- sorting.R
- spinterp.R
- sqrtm.R
- std.R
- steep_descent.R
- stereographic.R
- str2num.R
- strfind.R
- strings.R
- subspace.R
- sumalt.R
- taylor.R
- tictoc.R
- trace.R
- trapz.R
- tri.R
- trigregress.R
- triquad.R
- trisolve.R
- vander.R
- vectorfield.R
- whittaker.R
- wilkinson.R
- zeta.R
- zzz.R
Selected R package: pracma
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