R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- Barreto2023()
- Beyer2020()
- bioclim_vars-methods()
- check_available_dataset()
- check_available_variable()
- check_coords_names()
- check_dataset_path()
- check_time_vars()
- check_var_downloaded()
- check_var_in_nc()
- clean_data_path()
- climate_for_locations()
- climate_for_time_slice()
- copy_example_data()
- df_from_region_series()
- df_from_region_slice()
- distance_from_sea()
- dot-cv()
- download_chelsa()
- download_dataset()
- download_etopo()
- download_worldclim_future()
- download_worldclim_present()
- Example()
- get_available_datasets()
- get_biome_classes()
- get_dataset_info()
- get_data_path()
- get_downloaded_datasets()
- get_file_for_dataset()
- get_ice_mask()
- get_land_mask()
- get_mis_time_steps()
- get_sea_level()
- get_time_bp_steps()
- get_varname()
- get_vars_for_dataset()
- help_console()
- HYDE_3.3_baseline()
- is_region_series()
- Krapp2021()
- list_available_datasets()
- load_dataset_list()
- load_etopo()
- location_series()
- location_slice()
- location_slice_from_region_series()
- make_binary_mask()
- make_ice_mask()
- make_land_mask()
- mis_boundaries()
- mode()
- pastclim()
- region_extent()
- region_outline()
- region_outline_union()
- region_series()
- region_slice()
- sample_region_series()
- sample_region_slice()
- sample_rs_fixed()
- sample_rs_variable()
- set_data_path()
- slice_region_series()
- time_bp()
- time_bp_to_index()
- time_bp_to_i_series()
- time_series_for_locations()
- update_dataset_list()
- validate_nc()
- var_labels()
- WorldClim_2.1()
- ybp2date()
R Codes
- bioclim_vars.R
- check_available_datasets.R
- check_coords_names.R
- check_dataset_path.R
- check_times.R
- check_var_downloaded.R
- check_var_in_nc.R
- clean_data_path.R
- data.R
- datasets_docs.R
- df_from_region_series.R
- df_from_region_slice.R
- distance_from_sea.R
- download_chelsa.R
- download_dataset.R
- download_etopo.R
- download_worldclim_future.R
- download_worldclim_present.R
- get_available_datasets.R
- get_biome_classes.R
- get_dataset_info.R
- get_data_path.R
- get_downloaded_datasets.R
- get_file_for_dataset.R
- get_ice_mask.R
- get_land_mask.R
- get_mis_time_steps.R
- get_sea_level.R
- get_time_steps.R
- get_vars_for_dataset.R
- global.R
- is_region_series.R
- list_available_datasets.R
- load_dataset_list.R
- load_etopo.R
- location_series.R
- location_slice.R
- location_slice_from_region_series.R
- make_binary_mask.R
- make_ice_mask.R
- make_land_mask.R
- pastclim.R
- region_series.R
- region_slice.R
- sample_region_series.R
- sample_region_slice.R
- set_data_path.R
- slice_region_series.R
- time_bp.R
- time_bp_to_index.R
- time_bp_to_i_series.R
- update_dataset_list.R
- validate_nc.R
- var_labels.R
- ybp2date.R
- zzz.R
Selected R package: pastclim
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