R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- action_levels()
- activate_steps()
- affix_date()
- affix_datetime()
- all_passed()
- col_count_match()
- col_exists()
- col_is_character()
- col_is_date()
- col_is_factor()
- col_is_integer()
- col_is_logical()
- col_is_numeric()
- col_is_posix()
- col_schema()
- col_schema_match()
- col_vals_between()
- col_vals_decreasing()
- col_vals_equal()
- col_vals_expr()
- col_vals_gt()
- col_vals_gte()
- col_vals_increasing()
- col_vals_in_set()
- col_vals_lt()
- col_vals_lte()
- col_vals_make_set()
- col_vals_make_subset()
- col_vals_not_between()
- col_vals_not_equal()
- col_vals_not_in_set()
- col_vals_not_null()
- col_vals_null()
- col_vals_regex()
- col_vals_within_spec()
- conjointly()
- create_agent()
- create_informant()
- create_multiagent()
- db_tbl()
- deactivate_steps()
- draft_validation()
- email_blast()
- email_create()
- export_report()
- file_tbl()
- from_github()
- game_revenue()
- game_revenue_info()
- get_agent_report()
- get_agent_x_list()
- get_data_extracts()
- get_informant_report()
- get_multiagent_report()
- get_sundered_data()
- get_tt_param()
- has_columns()
- incorporate()
- info_columns()
- info_columns_from_tbl()
- info_section()
- info_snippet()
- info_tabular()
- interrogate()
- log4r_step()
- pipe()
- print.action_levels()
- print.ptblank_agent()
- print.ptblank_informant()
- print.ptblank_multiagent()
- print.ptblank_multiagent_report.long()
- print.ptblank_tbl_scan()
- print.read_fn()
- print.tbl_store()
- print.x_list_i()
- print.x_list_n()
- read_disk_multiagent()
- reexports()
- remove_steps()
- rows_complete()
- rows_distinct()
- row_count_match()
- scan_data()
- serially()
- set_tbl()
- small_table()
- small_table_sqlite()
- snip_highest()
- snip_list()
- snip_lowest()
- snip_stats()
- specially()
- specifications()
- stock_msg_body()
- stock_msg_footer()
- stop_if_not()
- tbl_get()
- tbl_match()
- tbl_source()
- tbl_store()
- tt_string_info()
- tt_summary_stats()
- tt_tbl_colnames()
- tt_tbl_dims()
- tt_time_shift()
- tt_time_slice()
- validate_rmd()
- write_testthat_file()
- x_read_disk()
- x_write_disk()
- yaml_agent_interrogate()
- yaml_agent_show_exprs()
- yaml_agent_string()
- yaml_exec()
- yaml_informant_incorporate()
- yaml_read_agent()
- yaml_read_informant()
- yaml_write()
R Codes
- action_levels.R
- all_passed.R
- column_roles.R
- col_count_match.R
- col_exists.R
- col_is_character.R
- col_is_date.R
- col_is_factor.R
- col_is_integer.R
- col_is_logical.R
- col_is_numeric.R
- col_is_posix.R
- col_schema_match.R
- col_vals_between.R
- col_vals_decreasing.R
- col_vals_equal.R
- col_vals_expr.R
- col_vals_gt.R
- col_vals_gte.R
- col_vals_increasing.R
- col_vals_in_set.R
- col_vals_lt.R
- col_vals_lte.R
- col_vals_make_set.R
- col_vals_make_subset.R
- col_vals_not_between.R
- col_vals_not_equal.R
- col_vals_not_in_set.R
- col_vals_not_null.R
- col_vals_null.R
- col_vals_regex.R
- col_vals_within_spec.R
- conjointly.R
- create_agent.R
- create_informant.R
- create_multiagent.R
- datasets.R
- draft_validation.R
- emailing.R
- file_naming.R
- get_agent_report.R
- get_agent_x_list.R
- get_data_extracts.R
- get_informant_report.R
- get_multiagent_report.R
- get_sundered_data.R
- has_columns.R
- incorporate.R
- info_add.R
- interrogate.R
- logging.R
- object_ops.R
- pipe.R
- print.R
- read_disk_multiagent.R
- reexports.R
- regex.R
- remove_deactivate.R
- rows_complete.R
- rows_distinct.R
- row_count_match.R
- scan_data.R
- serially.R
- specially.R
- steps_and_briefs.R
- table_transformers.R
- tbl_from_db.R
- tbl_from_file.R
- tbl_match.R
- tbl_store.R
- utils-output.R
- utils-profiling.R
- utils-specifications.R
- utils-translations.R
- utils.R
- validate_rmd.R
- write_testthat_file.R
- yaml_exec.R
- yaml_read_agent.R
- yaml_read_informant.R
- yaml_write.R
- zzz.R
Selected R package: pointblank
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